Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Most of you know Darnell. She's just about the sweetest person out here in Blogland. And today we celebrate her birthday! If memory serves she's 39, well... at least I'm pretty sure she is....Wouldn't it be cool if at least all of us followers (of her blog) popped over to her blog and wished her a very "happy birthday??!!" Let's shoot for that, shall we?! Tell your friends! And in case you're not sure where to find her, here's a link to Miss D.'s blog: djkardkreations. Love her to pieces and what a perfect day to celebrate our friend, Darnell. Speaking of friends, the wonderful Ardyth of Maskerade, is having a linky party on her blog. After you've perused this little shindig, head on over to Maskerade and link up your card for Darnell! Now, on my blog, we're going to have a bit of a party. Cake, treats, you know, all the things we want for a party even if they are only available and free in cyberspace! Let the celebration begin!


A few decorations

DIY: confetti dipped balloons

DIY Confetti Wands

Fun!#Repin By:Pinterest++ for iPad#

A Sprinkle & Confetti Birthday Party from Sweet Style  Read more -

pretty party hat garland

Some popsicles for grownups, yummy!!


A little 'real' food before we hit the dessert table


Oh! Wait! We've already arrived at the dessert table??!! Mmmmmm...

pastel color animal cookies

Vintage cake pops


pie pops

Pastel Colored Cakes and Macaroons Dessert Table


And a few birthday cake choices!

Tutorial on how to make a Birthday Candles Cake with Fondant Candles #birthday #cake #candles

Le Frufrù: diy party

Sparkler Cake

Paper cake topper

Now, we move onto the present portion of our party

Just what every birthday girl needs....!

I NEED THIS. NOW. Hey, guys, my birthdays coming up in a few months. We need ice cream out here in the desert. Early birthday present?

Can't forget a little something for the Hammie..this one is for when Darnell wants him to take off by himself

princess hampster ballI.... want to get a hampster just so I can get this!!

And this one is for when she wants to take him wherever she goes! How funky are these Hamster Wheel shoes????!!!!!

Now you'll never have to leave your pet hampster at home

And if I had won the lottery, I'd give Darnell a vacation to Greece. *Sigh* She might even want to take the Mister. Or just craft supplies. Or both.

Santorini Greece

Santorini-Vacation cave in former winery! in Thira

pining for another Grecian Island vacation.

Whew! Did you all make it through the party portion? Hope so! And of course I have a little card for the Delightful Miss Darnell:

In our birthday girl's honor, all the stamps, flower die and banner die are NBUS! Saved 'em a little just for your card dear friend. They're all LF with a variety of inks. 

So Darnell, Happy Birthday. I am very blessed to call you "friend." Your kindness and generosity nearly overwhelms me at times. It's funny how across the miles, we have become such good friends, and for that I'm very grateful. I hope that your special day is filled with only wonderful things and that you're surrounded by those you love most. You are a treasure. Happy Birthday!

Since I used the sketch from Seize the Sketch, I'm going to link this up there too. Love the way this turned out, so thanks to Lee Ann for this fun sketch! 


Hannelie said...

Yay! I arrived first at the party!!!
And I can't decide where to start, cake or drinks!?
A fabulous party and a great birthday card to go with it!
Love you Bev!

Jacquie Southas said...

You throw a great party Bev! Thoes hamster shoes are amazing LOL

Jessi Fogan said...

HAMSTER SHOES! And a hamster princess carriage?? You didn't forget a single detail, Bev. I love love love love this post :D What a super sweet card too - I love that rainbow of flowers!

Aileen said...

Brilliant party, cant wait to try the pink cake with the gold icing, you really have gone sll out for this party. Thanks for the invite

Aileen said...

Ooops I forgot to say I love your card, its so bright and colourful, love it.

maria f. said...

I was SO looking forward to the party here - your are the bestest hostess! Pop, fizz, clink - here's to you and Ms. Darnell! And please save some of those macaroons for moi.

shirley-bee said...

Wow, this is a party to beat all parties! LOVE those grown-up ice lolly drinks. And the hamster coach and shoes - unreal - you're so thoughtful ;)

Love your cheery summer flower card too!

Lynn said...

What a fabulous party for Darnell and a little extra celebration for Hammy. Her card is stunning Bev!

Unknown said...

What an amazing party Bev. Darnell is just going to love it!!! Hammy's going to love it too..... hehe.

Karen xxx

Deepti said...

I love the way u celebrate the birthday parties, from decorations, cake to food all is perfection and to top it all your colorful happy beautiful card :)
I love the stamped flowers on ur card and how sweet of u to make this party happen for this wonderful lady. Thank you for inviting me over !

Bobby said...

One thing about a virtual party - no calories, no hangover. Love the images, especially the ones for Hammy. The card is adorable.

I Card Everyone said...

Bev you are the best kind of friend... thanks for being the hostess with the moistest =]

Hippo, birdie, two ewes, Darnell! =] Michele

Kristie Goulet said...

You sure do throw an amazing party, Bev!!! Love all the images, the ones for Hammy sure brought a smile to my face. :)
Your card is beautiful!

OH Babs said...

Bev you are a master "party planner." Everything is perfecto and Darnell will be so pleased with all the hard work you and Ardyth have done in her honor. Thanks!

Ardyth said...

You're the best - this party is a smash hit! Love your pretty, fresh card and I'm sure Darnell will too!

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

What a party! Darnell will be thrilled! Thanks for hosting this! Great card - love it to pieces!

Tracey McNeely said...

Definitely a party I WANT to be at, the food and decor awesome! Love your card that is so perfect for Darnell! Thanks for hosting Bev!

Darnell said...

Okay. Okay, I'm okay. I'm just hving to type very slowly and porpoisely because SOMEONE we all know and love is whirling around on his hamster wheel like a hamman possssed! I mean you should be in my head rigt now. I won't be surprised if it spins right ooff my neck. Stop it, I can't see this little popup box I'm tpiyg in! SETTLE!

Phew! He has NEVER, even in HOLLYWOOD, felt so loved and so becited as he did seeing the special merchandise JUST for him! Bevie, I don't know. I may start making cards now that can only be sent in shoeboxes because you have sent the Ham into mental outerspace!!

And me. Aahhh. Me feels the love so much! Thank you for hosting this magnificent party with Ardyth!!! Gosh o' mighty everyone in Blogland is going to be sick to death of my name after three weeks of NBUS all over the place and now a birthday hop to finish it off!!

I love everything!!! Every single image! I know how much time and effort goes into finding the images and finding just the right ones, too, and I appreciate so much that you did this for me and Hammy!!

Your card arrived and it's even more gorgeous in real life! I mean gorgeous!! Thank you for that, too!!

I'm off to the City in a bit for lunch and to see the play Once and I look forward to coming home this evening and coming back to the party!! Woot!

Mwah! Love you! Darnell

Patti said...

Wow! this is the best post ever!! what a lot of time and love went into this!! I agree with the rest of blogland! Darnell is a treasure ; )

Happy Birthday and party on!!


Viv said...

Great party Bev, thank you for inviting us all!Fab card you made for her too, gorgeous. I am sure Darnell will love it , Happy Birthday Dee Mwah :) Viv xx

Marybeth said...

Fun…party... Bev! May I have another cookie?
Love your simply stated birthday card. Simply beautiful, thanks for helping to put this all together and giving me the heads up. Much appreciated.

Marybeth said...

Forgot to say thanks so much for linking this with us at Seize the Sketch!

Joyce said...

Wow--best party I've been to in a long time. I'm stuffed! Thanks so much for inviting me. Love the card, by the way--of course--sweet LF NBUS--what could be better?

Geri said...

Wow! You've outdone yourself again Ms. Party Planner Extraordinaire! You must have spent hours 'preparing' all the goodies!

And your card....gorgeous! I COULD NOT believe that you stamped the background - it is so dang pretty! The pop of royal blue - stunning (especially peeking through the stitches (or are they hand drawn?).

Thanks for a wonderful time! Like my girlfriend always says "a lovely lunch was served and a good time was had by all"

Anita in France said...

Oh my, Bev ... you throw SUCH a great party ... every little thing is simply perfect ... the grown up drinks, the touch of 'sensible' food and all those yummy desserts! As if that wasn't enough, you chose such awesome gifts ... love that you found things specially for Hammy too ... you really are just the BEST! Your card for the delightful Darnell is soooo lovely ... and your words are the most beautiful tribute! Thanks for so much fun, dear friend! Hugs, Anita :)

Melissa said...

Bev, you'd really do well as a party planner! LOVE all the things you thought of for this special occasion and I'm positive Darnell is going to pronounce this the best party EVER! :)
Your card is so sweet and pretty! Love all those tiny blossoms...and the fact that they are NBUS. How appropriate is THAT?! LOL!
Thanks so much for the invitation and for making Darnell's day such a fun one!!! :)

Lisa Elton said...

How wonderful that you've done this for our sweet Darnell!! Love your card Bev, so sweet and happy!

cm said...

Bev, this party is rockin' awesome, from the treats, to the holiday retreats to the hammie chariot and shoes! Seriously, you are so incredibly fabulous for putting on this ultra swanking party! And your card: sheer delight! I know Darnell loves every single thing in this gala it immensely, as do I! I'm feeling such a cad of late, with 'hectic' being my standard mode of operation. I'm behind in everything, so my apologies for not commenting as often as I want to! Indeed, how remiss that I didn't realize today was Darnell's birthday until I saw your post!! Naughty me!! I scurried home from work and have a card; now hoping that the clouds don't roll in before I can take a photo! Anyway, again, your thoughtfulness and warm-heartedness in doing this for Darnell: pure awesome!! Mega-nourmous hugs coming your way!

Vicki Dutcher said...

Way to go making Darnell feel so special! Love the card using the sketch too- Thanks for joining in with STS!

Shelly said...

Well, I made it through the photos! lol I really loved all of them and even made myself hungry! ;) Your card is so sweet! Love!

JD/ Jill said...

Wow! What a great post! Wasn't sure if I left a comment or not...I was here earlier and got chased off my computer with thunder and lightning....but fortunately it made things (for the moment anyway) feel cooler than it
You went through a lot of trouble here...I would go crazy if I ever walked into a party and saw all of this...I would walk out of there...with my doctor very upset with blood sugar is already too high...LOL

Almost forgot...Your card is just lovely...perfect for Darnell's party.

Carol L said...

Girl, you know how to throw a PARTY!!! Everything is so festive, so pretty and looks so yummy!! I'm so glad Darnell is getting the recognition she deserves as she's such a kind, generous and funny friend here in blogland! Thanks for having this party for her, and you rock for handling all the details :)

Kim Heggins said...

Bev....oh my goodness, what a wonderful party with all the yummy food and decorations and trip too I am sure Darnell feels so loved. She is an amazing lady and I feel extra blessed because she lives so close to me! Thank you again for inviting me to join in the festivities. Your card just to cute and so sweet.

~Tammy~ said...

Your card is so very sweet! What a great party for sure!

Irish Cherokee said...

Astounding! Fantastic Party. Anything I might say has already been said so what they say I say. Wonderful tribute.

Petra Swart said...

Oh, Bev, I'm a day late, but luckily there are much cake and yummies left, here!!! What a lovely party you have put up for Darnell!!! This is such a fun post - I really did enjoy it!!
Have a lovely day!!!

Rema DeLeeuw said...

Thanks for the sweet comment. It was so nice of you to throw a party for Darnell she is such a sweet lady and your card is stunning. So colorful...

Bonnie said...

What a fun party, Bev! Thanks for the invite!

Sherry Eckblad said...

How fun! Love all the flowers on your card.
Thanks for joining us at STS!

Neet said...

What a fabulous post, and whilst I agree Darnell is rather special I would say you are too to do all this. Brilliant!
N x

Kate said...

Sorry I missed the party - you seem to have thought of everything !!! Love those hamster shoes
What a wonderful way to celebrate such a wonderful person.

MaryH said...

Hi Bev, Thanks for your visit to my blog & taking time to leave a sweet comment on Darnell's card. How kind of you to help celebrate her birthday with so many fun & nifty items..I enjoyed the stroll through the trip visits, prezzies & loved Hammie's pink coach & his elevator shoes. He will be a well dressed companion for Our Miss Darnell as she enjoys all the goodies. Just became your newest follower too, and will be happy to see you when you can visit me again. Happy Sunday, hope your 4th was great, and HUGS too.

Karen M said...

Love the beautiful party that you have thrown for Darnell - we would all love to come along:) Your card is gorgeous and I am really taken by the hamster wheel in the shoe - Amazing! Have a lovely day - hugs xx

Karen P said...

Hello Bev! I hope you are having a lovely weekend huni. I just wanted to pop on over and say thank you for the lovely comment you left for me on the card I linked up for Missy D's birthday - such a very kind thing of you to do so thank you very muchly!
Your cards are beautiful! I love the wonderful colours and those flowers are stunning!
I love all the photos of the cakes, the ice cream machine - who sells those and can I buy one in the UK lol? I also have a craving for cake now too! Thank you huni Karen xx