She makes the best Potato Salad in the world. And one of my personal favorite treats, German Chocolate Bars. Sue is an excellent cook! She does flowers, crafts and scrapbooks. Not only did I get her addicted to scrapbooking, but I've also enabled her card making habit too! I got her started, but the student has surpassed the master! She has the kind of house that the minute you walk in the door, it feels like home. Her home decorating skills would make most interior decorators envious. But it's not about what's placed in her home, but how her very presence makes everybody comfortable and loved. And don't get me started about how she takes care of everyone from our dad, to her children, grandchildren, family members, and friends. Sue is fun, funny, sweet and all the most excellent of adjectives you can think of! She is a genuine, loving person. I love her dearly. Can't tell you how richly I am blessed to have her as my sister. So happy birthday, Sue. This one's for you.
You know I couldn't celebrate without a little here we go. We'll start with some party settings...

Now I know that this looks like a baby's party, but this could have been Sue and I a "few" years back. And Sue's hair would be blond...I'd be the one going after the cake...

Since it's a party, we have to have a few beverages, and some snacks. Her favorite is raspberry, so I thought we'd start with those luscious floating raspberry drinky-poohs.

And we'll need a birthday cake or two....

And some special presents!! I picked these out just for you, Sue!
Since your current craft room is a blank canvas, I thought one of these would make the perfect gift:

Next up is a blue jacket. You'll notice the blue checks on the cuffs. It's the best I could do to replicate the one that I "stole" from you all those years ago...
Diamonds are April's birthstone, lucky duck, and since I know you're fond of snowflakes, I thought this would be just the ticket:
Something cool to put your iPod on while you craft....
A planter for your back deck, figured you'd like this one....
And last but not least, a few more crocks to add to your collection:
Now all I have to do is win the lottery so I can give you all these things. In the meantime, you have my love and my best wishes for the happiest birthday so far. You're the best.
Happy birthday to Sue! What a fabulous party!
Bev, you organize the most amazing parties!
All those wonderful things you said about Sue I can say about my older sister! Aren't we lucky!
Happy Birthday, Sue!
YOu certainly know how to throw a party, my friend! Your best friend Sue is lucky to have you - you're pretty wonderful yourself! Have a wonderful Easter!
Oh my, Bev, you are one party thrower extra-ordinaire ... what a happy, happy celebration for Sue, she sounds so wonderful ... and you know what they say about birds of a feather! You are both so blessed to have one another! Happy Birthday, Sue! Easter Blessings to you, dear friend, Anita :)
Happy birthday to you dear sweet sister, Sue! I hope she has the most MARVELLOUS birthday!
Happy birthday to Sue, who sounds like a wonderful person! I'm so glad I got a peek at the party!
Awwww - what a lovely card and lovely tribute to your sis!! Nothing is better than to be able to call your sister your BFF!
What a lovely tribute to your sister. If you actually threw a party like that, I'd drive all the way from Michigan to be there. Happy Birthday, Sue, and Happy Easter to all of you!
What a lovely birthday blog party for your sister! I hope Sue had a wonderful birthday and it's obvious one of the wonderful things is that you have each other as sisters! xx
What a brilliant post. I obviously don't know Sue- but Happy Birthday to her and wow, I'll come to one of your parties anytime!!
Wow I love every birthday picture craft room picture you picked ! Nice job! What a sweet birthday post for your sister Sue hope she had a good one! I have a Marysue!
Awww how sweet of you!! love the party and I sure Sue must have loved it :)
I'm so sorry for commenting on this so late...but the post never showed up in my mailbox! Which appears to be happening quite often! Grrrr....Bad Blogger!
You sure know how to throw a grand party! You must have spent hours preparing! But worth every minute for someone as special to you as your sister Sue!
Please wish Sue a belated happy birthday from me! Sisterly love...nothing compares!
I'm late to the party, but given the beautiful one you've organized for your 'best friend', I suspect the celebrations are still carrying on! Happy Belated Birthday,Sue! Bev, once again, you've showcased your extraordinary warm-heart and thoughtfulness in creating this party! From the photo of "the two of you" (I'd be diving in to the cake, too!), to the coat replacement, to, well, everything - this is sheer delight! Wonderful post; wonderful party; WONDERFUL YOU!!
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