
Monday, September 28, 2020

A Thank You and A Card

Good morning. After several months of what has felt like I was walking through cold molasses, I'm trying to establish something of a new schedule/routine. We'll see how that goes...Um-hmmm.... Before I get to my card, I would like to say thank you for the birthday cards and wishes you sent. I had a pleasant birthday celebration, with a dinner at my daughter and sil's house on the day, and a weekend visit from my son and his brood. I've got a few photos to show you, and I hope you don't mind. You can skip to the bottom if you'd like.

First up are creations by Avie. She is one sweet child, and is funnier than all get out. She also likes to play in grandma's craft room. I am still finding bling and sequins all over the house, lol!!

This is the card she made for me; notice the tape runner where a shell, which I haven't found yet, has fallen off. The yellow sentiment reads, "I see you." 

She loves shaker cards. I mean really, really loves them. So she made me a shaker baggie, with extra, extra tape on it just so the bits wouldn't fall out. Sorry for the glare, but you get the idea. Avie included a rainbow colored 'happy birthday' sentiment inside. What a girl.

We had cake which the girls and daddy baked. Not one, but two cakes! The boys decorated one and the girls decorated the other. Pretty darn good, I'd say!

Ignore the "63" on the cake... I'm sure which ever of the girls wrote it simply transposed the numbers, hahahahahaha! And after cake, we had presents. Here is what not only these four kids made, but when two of my boys and their families were together, all the kids made this:

Grant, Lily, Drew, Avery, Carter, Samantha, and Kaylin each painted a section, and Sam and Lily painted an extra one. It proudly hangs in my craft room. So there you have it. Now, let's have a gander at a card, shall we?

This came together super easily, as I thought that if I worked on a CAS card, my mojo might actually put in an appearance. 

I die cut an Altenew frame and in the center, which was also cut, I stamped an NBUS trio of vases by a company called Simply Graphic. Love them. I used Juniper Mist ink from CP, and colored the water with Copics. A smidgen of WoS for some sparkle, an old HA sentiment and done. EZPZ lemon squeezy. I am going to play at Darnell's NBUS Challenge and at the Color Hues Challenge.

Okay. I'm done now. You all stay safe and healthy. I'll be back soon, and if the mind-set stays, I'll even get to some commenting today. Sending hugs, and as always...


  1. What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday, Bev! Your grandchildren came up with a perfect birthday present! I'll have to pass that idea on to my grandkids. Having the little ones love to craft is such a bonus and I totally understand about finding that bling for days! Love your sweet flower vases and single flowers! A perfect way to use these colors! Happy belated birthday!

  2. First, I love the cards Avie made you!! Happy Birthday!! Your present from your grandkids is FABULOUS. I love that they all made a piece of it for you!!

    As for your card-how lovely. I like the frame, the simple design and the color scheme. Glad that your mojo came back to create this!!

    Thinking of you!!

  3. Such a delightful post and you are certainly blessed with the little ones around. Your CAS card came out perfectly for our colors at Color Hues! So happy you joined us!

  4. Awww, what a great post, Gramma Bevie! Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful photos of your delightful grands who obviously love you - and missed you - very much! I LOVE Avie's shell card ... did she bring the shells from home or steal them for a collection you have, haha! And those cakes! They obviously learned a lot from baking with you over the years. The girls cake looks professional and they both look delish! Finally, the art piece brought tears to my eyes. What a fantastic idea for a meaningful present from grandchildren to their very young grandma!💕

    Although it was overshadowed, I love your sweet CASlicious trio of bud vases, too! Good job linking to the new Color Hues challenge and thank you for sharing with everyone at NBUS! Miss you! Hugs, Darnell xoxo

  5. Looks like you had a very special birthday with your grands, Bev. And two cakes ... I knew you were special!! Your CAS card is lovely. And isn't it fun to use new craft supplies??!! xx

  6. Happy belated birthday Bev!!!! I love how everyone celebrated with you, so sweet and fun. You little Avie is definitely funny. I love her shell card and I hope you find the missing shell. The sentiment is too cute! I can see she loves shaker cards, I am loving her shaker baggy for her grammy! Love how she put the Happy Birthday (rainbow of course) in there too. I think she loves her grammy and all your supplies. I can see why you are still finding bling and sequins all over the house, but I so love it! I am impressed with your cakes, they all did a wonderful job on them and I love the photo's of you with the kiddo's. Yes, I think too they reversed the numbers by mistake. lol I thought it was the same for me, but then realized that no one would believe I was 06. lol What a beautiful canvas the family made for you! I love that everyone had a hand in painting something on it. So cool and such a wonderful keepsake! The craft room is a great place for it since it is so crafty. Glad you had a good birthday my sweet friend! Your card is beautiful Bev, I am loving the color combo. Those are pretty little vases with the flowers. They are so sweet. The frame really draws the eye in to them. I think your mojo has come back with this sweet card! Hugs, Brenda

  7. Yay for your 36 reversed birthday, sounds like you had an amazing time and cake too (one of my fave things, it's up there with ice cream)! Loved seeing your photos and the picture in your craft room is so very special. Big hugs to you my friend x

  8. Looks like a terrific birthday celebration! Your CAS card is beautiful. Lovely colouring! Thanks for joining us at Color Hues!

  9. Wonderful CAS card, and the colors are fantastic -- love 'em! Take care!

  10. What a joy to see all the wonderful celebrations for your birthday, Bev ... and some of the partygoers too! I see they're all creative ... and talented ... just like Grandma ... scrummy cakes, fabulous cards and oh so cool art for your studio wall! Oh, and your deliciously clean, fresh, floral card is a beauty ... you showcased those SG goodies beautifully! Long live your mojo, my sweet friend ... lovely to see you posting! Big hugs and bisous, Anita :)


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