
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

One For CTS

I finished this card over the weekend, but then, like a ton of bricks, the old migraines came to visit. Really ticked me off, too! I have neither the time nor inclination to have them, yet they don't seem to get the message. For any of you migraine sufferers out there, there is a miracle drug called Aimovig which worked like a dream for me....until I became allergic to it (skin stuff, as that's how so many of my allergies manifest). It's a once-monthly injection, and it brought my migraines to about 4 per month, as opposed to 12-18. Please ask your neurologist about this drug if you or any of your friends and/or family needs help with debilitating migraines. It works. And trust me, almost nothing has worked well for me. This did. Don't worry though, my neuro team will be giving me an alternative med probably starting in August (if the darn insurance will cover it!).

I will share my one card before it gets too late do so. Didn't think I could work the sketch at CAS(E) THIS SKETCH, but what do you know, I made something I am quite pleased with. Hope you like it too!

My card looks like this:

I used an MFT paper, and some orange and white scraps. Even though the paper is busy, by keeping all the other elements to a minimum, I think it still has a clean and simple look. The stamp is from Verve, and I used some navy Ranger ink to match the paper...yes, it looks black, but it is really a navy pattern. So QAEPZ! Gotta run, duty calls. As always dear friends...


  1. So sorry to hear that you have been unwell, sending big healing hugs your way my friend x ps Adorbs CAS card design!

  2. Wow, such a stylish, cool, graphic design, Bev ... it looks as though it should be hanging in a trendy gallery! Do hope those migraines have stayed away, my friend ... sending you happy healing thoughts and prayers that they have! Big hugs and bisous, Anita :)

  3. Sorry to hear about your sweet little head - hope the docs do find an alternative for the one thing that worked its magic!
    Bev, I love that paper, and don't think it's one bit 'busy!' LOve the navy/orange/white combo … and that you've shared this cutie with CTS! Thanks!

  4. The navy and white background is calmed by that sunny orange and pure white, Bev. Great graphic design.
    So sorry about the migraines. My daughter-in-law went gluten free and knocked hers way down. Just a thought

  5. Your EZPZ looks quite Pleasing to me! Love the simplicity, and the colors allow that to work perfectly!

  6. Sorry to hear about the migraines! Never fun. And don't you just hate having an allergic reaction to something?!...That's never fun, either. I'm glad to hear there's an alternative, hope it works just as good as the other or if not better. Hopefully insurance will cover it, too.
    Your card is simply fabulous! Perfect take on the sketch. :)

  7. I love that navy/white/orange combination! Such a cool, sleek design, Bev! Glad to hear there's an alternative to the med that's been working. Now for insurance to come through for you... Miss you, lady!


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