
Friday, June 14, 2019

Finding Minutes

Amid all the hubbub of life, I'm finding minutes to make cards. It's not always easy, and yesterday is a prime example. For those of you who are caregivers to a loved one, you'll get this. It took me nearly all day to get DH ready to go to a doctor's appointment, and then help him recover from it once we got back home. But the good report was worth it. And this morning, while he's still asleep, I have time to post a card and I'm planning on making visits around blogland to see you and leave comments. Cross your fingers that he sleeps in a bit, lol!

This week, Addicted to Stamps and More is celebrating their 7th Birthday! How cool is that?! Congratulations to ATSAM! They've got a cool mood board up, and I was drawn to the upper left photo contained therein.

I went all white and bright:

I used Ellen Hutson's Letterboard for the panel, frame and those letters. And the flowers and leaf sprays are from Reverse Confetti. All the papers are scraps from the files. While a little fussy gluing them down, it still came together fairly quickly. Of course I remembered my double-sided adhesive sheets AFTER I cut all the letters out...duh! I think I'll just chalk it up to a few minutes of therapy and let it go at that, lol! Now, if I want to get around to see what you've made, I'm going to run. Happy Friday, and as always...


  1. Glad to see you're using all your moments Bev and getting that therapy in! Your card is WONDERFUL and I love that letterboard...never seen that before but you can bet I'm going to check it out! Loving all the bright colors of the flowers and the letters too...this is definitely one HAPPY birthday card!! Hugs. :0)

  2. Oh how pretty, the colours just sing and make you feel so happy. I love the design, it's like a shutter... fab card x

  3. This is adorable!! I love that letter press and the way you made the sentiment using different colored letters. The flowers at the top are fabulous!!

    So glad that you are getting a little time to yourself. I know that caregiving is more than a full time job!!

  4. Hugs to you, my amazing friend! Your card is beyond cute! Love everything about it! I'm too lazy to do all those letters so I totally admire you for doing that. :)

  5. Love that letter board background, so pretty as the background to those pretty flowers and sentiments :)

  6. I think it's brilliant that you were drawn to that upper left panel, Bevie, and you nailed it!! My eye just dismissed that as a sort of title to the board so I'm impressed! Love the little letterboard idea and how you cut your flowers and letters in rainbow colors! I'm so glad you are managing to grab minutes of YOU time whenever you can! Miss you, my friend!! Hugs, Darnell

  7. I'm glad you found a few minutes! LOVE the cheerful colors on all of that fresh white!

  8. You may only have snippets of time, Bev, but boy, do you use them well! What a fabulous take on the mood board picture ... fresh, happy, bright and so deliciously you! Love it ... and you! Big hugs and bisous, Anita :)

  9. What a fun card, and I LOVE that letterboard! My eldest daughter keeps a letterboard in her kitchen and I love reading her "wisdoms" every chance I get. P.S. I forget the double-sided tape sheets ALL the time! Yes, therapy...

  10. What a cool letter board and the most cheerful, fun colors! Great eye to see that upper left and grab it for inspiration! Hope you're getting these creative times more and more often.

  11. Your card is so bright and festive, Bev. I too often forget to use StickIt! And fiddling with little pieces is not my thing but I love that letterboard. I may have to check into it for myself.

  12. I love the cheery colours on this card and the dimension you have created with those bold flowers. The whole thing is very effective. I always forget my double sided tape too and spend ages gluing things xx

  13. Popping back to congratulate you on the well-deserved win from ATSM, Bevie! Miss you!! Hugs, Darnell


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