
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Twofer Challenge # 12

Well here we are, with the holidays all wrapped up and tucked away for the next good long while. I was blessed with three celebrations, and the best part, after the beautiful and moving Christmas church services, was spending time with some of my family. Daughter Jeanne and son Joe flew in from Phoenix as an early Christmas surprise for their dad, and we had a lovely time. Christmas Eve/Day with daughter Cathy and family, and a post-New Years "Christmas" with son Christian and his little darlings. I hope your festivities were as low-stress and as happiness-filled as mine were! If you have time, tell me in the comment section, your favorite part of the 2018 Holiday! My favorite was making it to church on Christmas Eve and hearing exactly why we celebrate, followed closely by time with loved ones. *sigh*

But you're here to see my Twofer Challenge cards, aren't you? Well, I won't keep you any longer!

For some reason, I immediately thought of this older, and somewhat obscure Penny Black die set that I have when I saw this prompt. My brain wouldn't let go, and as hard as I tried to use something else, brain said, "Umm...excuse me, but there's no way anything you try will turn out decently. I'm in charge here and you will use those PB birds. Period." Understood. You only have to use that 2x4 upside my head once. Brain was right:

That baby card is really sweet irl, but in the photo it looks a bit flat, or something. The letters are from a Pebbles die cut set from my scrapbooking days, and they fit so nicely on a card. Not sure of the patterned paper, but I like it (naturally I like's polka dotted,lol!!). And there's that PB bird, layered several times and winked up with some sparkly Stella. Our Pastor and his wife are expecting their first baby this Spring, so I'm all set with a card!
The second card is a birthday card. Boy, girl, adult, child; I think it works for just about anyone. The 'celebrate' is from a Studio Calico set, as is the teensy party hat. Lots of those PB birds (see, brain, I can follow directions, hahaha) in rainbow colors. All scraps, yay! And there you go. I hope you will pull out your bird stamps, dies, or stencils and join us in the gallery. Two cards, two different designs using the same stamps, dies, or stencils. If you haven't, do stop over at the Twofer Challenge and see what my teamies have created. Be sure to welcome our newest DT member, Leslie, and have a gander at our two GD's, Izzy and Sonja's cards! I promise you'll be delighted. And as always...


  1. Love the way you used the bird dies to create two different cards,love them.

  2. So glad you listened to your brain, these cards are wonderful! Now, if your brain starts telling you to do evil things, it's time to seek help. That is a darling little bird, Bev. Such a sweet card for your pastor and his wife. Your second card, once I stop hearing the Partridge Family theme in my brain, makes me HAPPY! Those are some fabulous colors!

  3. My favorite part was handing ornaments to the twinks while they decorated the tree! It's become a memorable tradition for just the four of us. I'm glad to hear that your holiday was warm and cozy, Bevie! I hope the new year ahead is the same! I'm glad you listened to your mojo because your two designs work perfectly with that old PB bird! The card for your Pastor and his wife just screams BABY girl in the sweetest way! I'm with you on the polkie dots and love that bright pink bird chirping with delight at the news! And your second card? Please, what could be more celebratory than a border of rainbow-colored birds for a bird-day card?! Genius and fun!! Hugs, Darnell

  4. I enjoyed reading your post, Bev! You're a woman after my own heart the way you love the polka dot paper. These birds are so cute, and you're absolutely right about the birthday card befitting any gender. All those colors... how could you go wrong? As for Christmas, we do have certain yearly traditions, but I think my favorite part this year was sharing our dinner with our neighbor down the street. I'm happy to be on the team with you, Bev!

  5. Your brain was right to tell you to use this die set. :-) Both of your bird cards are awesome and innovative. I like the simply design on the baby card and rainbow frame of birds on your second card.
    I'm happy for you that all of your children were at home for Christmas. My son lives on the other part of the world and doughter has to work during the holiday. :-(

  6. Two FABULOUS cards Bev!! Anything with polka dots gets my vote and especially for a baby card...super sweet and just love that pink little birdie announcing the good news! Your rainbow bird card is STUNNING Bev!! Totally makes me smile to see all those happy birdies ready to celebrate!! And so glad to hear you had a wonderful Christmas with your family and were able to start it all with a beautiful Christmas Eve service! We celebrated early on the 16th with our girls and their families, so Christmas Day was actually rather quiet. We had a wonderful church service on that Sunday, and then Christmas Eve day we ended up having to put our 14 year old dog Brinkley down...absolutely broke my heart Bev, so it was a good thing that Christmas day was quiet with just my hubby and mom. I made a nice roast and then my mom and I watched the Hallmark channel most of the afternoon. We're slowly getting back to a new "normal" around here and the crafting world definitely helps! Happy New Year my friend! :0)

  7. Sounds like the perfect Christmas time Bev!! Always wonderful when you can spend time withe family and to have it low-stress is a bonus! We had the same here. Just the five of us for dinner. It was a quiet relaxing dinner. Everyone had a wonderful time!

    LOVE your cards Bev. First the baby card is so sweet! And I LOVE that bird, no wonder you HAD to use it for this challenge! Your Pastor and wife will love this card too! And your rainbow of birds is so fun, cheerful and full of colour. Perfect for anyone for any celebration! I love the one bird wearing the party hat! :) xx

  8. COOL! take on this challenge Bev! I really love the way you used those birds as a frame : )

    I am so happy to hear you had a blessed celebration!! All the best to you and your family in the coming year!


  9. So pleased you had a good Xmas and New Year and these cards and just adorable. Love the bright coloured card, super design xx

  10. The brain knows best, Bev. These are both darling. One so soft and perfect for a new baby and the other colorful and festive. Time spent with family is my favorite holiday time and it's rarely on Christmas and as families grow and spread it gets more difficult to all get together. We do one Sunday with Ken's kids and their families (many weren't there this year) and then a Friday night and Saturday with mine. My daughter and her family couldn't make it because of the impending birth of my third great-grandchild. It wasn't the same without them but it gives us something to look forward to. He'll be arriving any day now.

  11. Bev, trust me... that conga-line of partying birds NEEDED to come to life!!! Sure wish I could cut in... both darling, my friend!
    Happy Twofer New Year!!

  12. I love both of your cards Bev! A great way to use those PB birds, they remind me of the Partridge Family bird on your party birthday card. Remember that?! Oh man, I am dating myself aren't I?! The baby card is just as sweet as it can be. I love that polka dot paper and it doesn't look flat to me. I also love how you used this bird (glad you listened to your brain!) for the birthday card. So bright and festive and gotta love that cute little birthday hat! Love it! I always love going to Midnight Mass, but didn't make it this year. Was to tired and in pain. But I did enjoyed several nights of get together's with family and friends and that was the best! Then there was Christmas Day with some family. Loved it all. But was sad to miss Midnight Mass. Hugs, Brenda

  13. Please to read that you had a wonderful time with your family, Christmas time has this magic to gather all those you love. Your baby card is just adorable with those big and bold letters in a soft pink over this dreamy soft green polka dots pattern paper and this cute little bird. But you stole my heart with your birds garland. What a clever idea and more over in rainbow colours. Love it ! So please to guest design along with you all ! x

  14. ooh, these are both fabulous but it's the 'rainbow' of birds surrounding the border that have my heart!

  15. That rainbow of birds actually reminds me of the logo for the Twofer Challenge! Two super fun, fabulous cards Bev!!

  16. This is the first truly stress free Christmas ever for me. I ordered gifts online and having them delivered to my door was wonderful. No parking problems or carrying things through the mall. Family was here Christmas Eve and I went to my sons on Christmas Day. I'm glad yours was so wonderful too. What a great surprise for you hubby. Your bird cards are so sweet. A little birdie to announce the baby and a rainbow of birds to celebrate a birthday is awesome. You can't go wrong with polka dots!

  17. So pleased you had such a wonderful festive period, Bev ... you and I share our favourite parts (albeit we're in different time zones!) ... the true celebration of Christmas and time with loved ones ... perfect! Now, your cards ... that sweet little bird perched on the lettering over those (oh so you) polka dots is adorable ... and I love, love, love the birdie border. So much precise piecing to make all these cute guys so individual ... and they're so perfectly co-ordinated and synchronised! That little celebratory party hat is such a fun and clever touch! Brilliant design! Miss you heaps, sweet friend ... hugs and bisous, Anita :)

  18. Oh Bev, your bird border is absolutely amazing , thats a lot of dies to cut but so worth it! The baby card is darling too! I am so wanting to play this time. I better get to it .Happy New Year!

  19. I'm not sure that there could be two cards with the same die that look so totally different! LOVE the bird border in all of the bright colors - and one little guy in a party hat. And the baby card is so sweet. That tiny little bird on the big letters is so perfect for a tiny little baby!

  20. Both cards are very nicely done. I really like how you stamped the little birds around the edge...something I definitely would not have thought to do...Thanks so much for the inspiration.

  21. I forget to tell what the favorite part of my 2018 Christmas this year...was of course, being able to be my family...Our daughter cooked a wonderful mean and we spent time with our granddaughter and her boyfriend...Only thing I would have like to be different is that our Grandson could have joined us too. (he lives out of state and couldn't make it to our house. Even so we felt very blessed.


Thanks for stopping by Happy Dance. Your comments are always and sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me an email. May you all be blessed with Happy Dances each and every day.