
Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy (Almost) New Year

Well, here I am trying to sneak in one last post before 2019 rings in. Are you doing any celebrating? We're going all out...probably a bowl of popcorn, and bedtime by 10:00ish or so. I know, right?! DH and I are so wild, lol! When the kids were little, we would stay up playing games and drinking kiddie cocktails, and watch Dick Clark drop the ball on TV. We actually did go to a New Year's Eve party once...still made it home before midnight. Guess we're just not party animals. If you're going out tonight, please be safe; I want to see more of your cards in 2019!

I've been practicing coloring. Kara gave us a nice little tutorial when we were at the Lake House, and while my coloring will never be as incredible as hers, I have made improvements. Now I want you to stop right here and check out Kara's blog. Girl has crazy skills with a Copic! Here's the link to Kara's blog: MissDamnWhyCan'tIColorLikeHer????  Oh, and don't forget to come back, lol!! See...I was right, wasn't I??!!

I actually colored an image. Thought I'd play along at Time Out and SSS Wednesday Challenge

She cracks me up!

It looks a little dark, but we're getting RAIN right now. Though I guess rain is better than getting a foot of the 's-word!!' I first colored up my AI baker lady, and winked up her cupcakes. Then I found a perfectly sized sentiment from Studio Calico. In my scrap files I found a good sized chunk of that patterned paper, which just so happened to match her skirt and shirt! I like the way this turned out. She'll go to a friend who will appreciate her body type...And the cupcakes! Well, I'm about to get kicked out of my craft room. My amazing, incredible, hard-working cleaning lady is coming in to get it all ship-shape, so will close for now. Blessings to you in 2019!! As always...


  1. Ha! That image is just perfect Bev! Love it!

    We are having a low key New Year's! I've spent the day crafting (yeah me!) and making appetizers as Jonathon is having friends from his youth group over. I'm going to miss him a ton when he heads off to Indiana next year!

    Wishing you a peaceful and wonderful 2019! I'll probably be in bed before midnight too! Pat will stay up! :)

  2. Ah, such a great card, Bevie! She reminds me of you, happy, and a good cooker, and very generous! Wish I was there to enjoy one of your cupcakes! I hope you have an amazing 2019 that finds you back to good health!! Happy New Year! Love and hugs, Darnell

  3. Happy New Year! I think your colouring is superb. I am useless at colouring but you have done a fab job and such a sweet image. So good to see you at Time Out x

  4. Happy New Year to you too! Love your fab celebration card, I would have loved some of those cakes to eat at midnight for sure lol. ps We went to see Aquaman at Gold Class with my brother and his wife which is where the kiddy fireworks are on at 9pm which were heaps of fun, then home to watch the fireworks from our front deck at 11pm (it's a long story but I live on the border where the time zones are different, one state has DST and the other doesn't)

  5. Happy New Year, Bev! Your skills are fabulous... all of them! Your touch on that Kringle even makes them taste better - yep, all that love shines through, my friend! and this little baker is a doll!

  6. Happy New Year, Bev. Your coloring is fabulous! And so is that image. I'd love a Kara lesson too if I only had Copics. I'll stick with my pencils for now. I got a new book from my sister for Christmas so I read in bed and fell asleep before the new year began. I can only stay up if I'm with friends who energize me, which usually means they have to be younger. ;)

  7. Happy New Year Bev!! Your coloring looks FABULOUS, but I know just what you mean about Kara's coloring skills! She gave us lessons when we were in Kansas last March, and I learned a lot but I'll still never have the mad skills she does!! LOVE your card and I'd love a few of those cupcakes myself! :0)

  8. LOVE you card Bev! Great image and awesome colouring, my friend! How sweet of Kara to give you some instructions on Copic colouring ... she is AMAZING! I think we all wish we'd be able to colour like Kara! This is such a fun card and a great way to close out the year. Now don't over-do the New Year's Eve celebrations! :) They sound similar to what hubby and I are doing as well. Happy New Year! Wishing you and John a year of good health! xx

  9. Your coloring looks great to me! Love those AI stamp ladies too :o)

  10. Oooh ... I can see this baking supremo (or is it suprema?) in your kitchen, Bev ... with a whole host of chums munching into those delicious, shimmery cupcakes! Brilliant colouring ... well, it was already fabulous ... Kara's lessons were just the icing on the cupcake (hahahahaha!). Wishing you joy, health and much happiness in 2019, my dear friend ... Bonne Année, Bonne Santé! Big hugs and bisous, Anita :)

  11. Oops ... I was so busy thinking of you and those cupcakes, I pressed publish before saying ... delighted to have you playing along with us at Time Out ... always am! Big hugs and bisous (you get a double dose today!), Anita :)

  12. Happy New Year, Bev! You closed the year with a fun card! I can see that Kara's coloring skills (which we all wish we would have) definitely rubbed up on you!
    Hope 2019 brings you lots of love, health, time to craft, and everything else good!

  13. OMGosh! Bev that is the sweetest image and you colored her perfectly!! I love the cup cakes under her apron giggles what a fun card.

    Happy New Year!! and thank you for the link to Kara's blog. I am going to have to put her blog on my side bar so I can drool continually over her amazing coloring skills : )

    Big (((Hugs)))

  14. Are you kidding me?! I'm blushing! Your cupcake baker is fantastic and those colors are wonderful! You amaze me with finding just the right paper too - every time! Happy New Year, Bev, here's to a crafty 2019!


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