
Monday, January 28, 2019

Snow Day

It's January. I live in Wisconsin. It's supposed to be cold. We're supposed to have snow. So tell me why people are so surprised, and why the meteorologists make such a big deal out of it?? Yes, we're getting a bit more than usual today (6-12"), but it's happened before. And I'm pretty sure it will happen again. Common sense dictates that if you can, stay home. If you must go out, be careful. There. Weather rant done. So let's move on to the card I have for today, shall we?

For a few days I stared at the Less Is More sketch, and knew I wasn't going to come up with a single card. So there I was, working on a different card, pulled out an Avery Elle set, and PING, just like that, I had an idea for a LIM design!! Nothing fancy, but I like it. Looks really nice in real life.

I took a little liberty with the sketch and moved it over to the left:

I found a polka dotted scrap in the files, and while the cardstock looks black, it's really a lovely navy blue. The afore mentioned die is from Avery Elle Mod. And those are EH Letterboard letters. EZPZ. And now I must run. DH is calling. As always...


  1. I love your combination of the polka dot patterned paper against that lovely deep navy - perfect for the LIM challenge


  2. Perfect combo of dark and light and the polkas are always a good addition too!

  3. Anything with polka dots is A OK with me it!! And I hear ya about snow in Winter and the media circus surrounding'd think it was the blizzard of '78 today the way the news carried on about it tonight...good grief!! Personally I like the excuse to stay in my nice warm house...and stamp!! :0)

  4. Amen! Although I do think the cold IS going to break all kina records, isn't it? I'm glad you have common sense, Bevie, and you'll stay in and tucked into your craft room as much as possible! After all, you have to be there to catch those PINGS when they pop off and create cute cards like this! Love your take and how pretty the polkies are with navy!! Miss you lots! Hugs, Darnell xxoo

  5. Love your card Bev, the polka dots just pop off that navy background! We have the same with our hot weather here, it is summer in Australia after all! Of course it’s hot LOL. Stay warm and thanks for joining us at Less is More.

  6. PING! It's fabulous Bev! Love the polka dot paper with the deep blue. Great CAS design, my friend!

    Stay warm inside and enjoy your extra crafting time with the snow falling! xx

  7. Your first paragraph resonates with me and Rich. In fact, I read it out loud to him and we both had a good chuckle and a nod. Of course, we're sitting here on the temperate Oregon coast, complaining when it gets below 40 degrees... Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say "hi" and see what cute stuff you're up to. EZPZ is perfect for LIM. I wish LIM was EZPZier for me, but I struggle. I need a ping! Your card is perfect, Bev!

  8. I am with you Bev and the winter. It kills me how the weather people get people all riled up over a pending snow storm. Like we've never had one before. Or they get everyone all excited because it is going to be the storm of the century and then hardly nothing. People rush out to the grocery store and act like nuts as if they won't ever get back out of their house in a month or longer. It just blows my mind. Thus why I take what the weather people say with a grain of salt! Now on to your card! I love this sketch and have seen some really cool cards using it. Well you have done it too-it definitely pinged, because your card is fabulous! I love that polka dot paper on top of the navy card base. The white happy birthday just pops so nicely as well. Yep, I'm loving this easy and simple card. They are the best aren't they?!!! Stay warm my friend, Hugs, Brenda

  9. Polka dots. Navy. What more could you ask for except for those perfectly aligned letters. Great card, Bev. Yes, winter is to be expected and yes this isn't the norm but it has my husband on his "move to warmer climate' tirade. Hmmmm Let's see. Trade a couple of months of cold and snow for the possibility of being wiped out in a hurricane or tornado. I'll take the cold.

  10. Hi Bev, why doesn't everyone think as logical as you?? Here I am whinging about how hot it is today and it's the middle of summer... duh... LOL. I LOVE your take on the sketch. The dots are awesome but the brilliance of your card is that it is off the edge. LOVE it. Thanks so much for playing along at Less Is More xx

  11. Adorable! I love all these colourful dots over the navy card stock. You did very well to take liberty with the sketch, it looks beautiful like that. Thanks so much for sharing and for playing along at Less is More.

  12. Oh, I have that same weather rant! Good to know I'm not alone!! Fantastic use of that sketch, I like it to the left more like that. This is a great graphic card!

  13. Don't you love it when a brainstorm hits!! LOVE the card - it's like polka-dotted spotlights!

    Being from South Dakota and living in Colorado, I hear you on the weather. Sadly, it's OK here that they make a big deal because we have a mix of tough Coloradans in SUVs who believe they are invincible and newly relocated Californians who are scared to drive if there's even one snowflake!! And that's my rant!!

  14. A polka dot ping ... how delicious, Bev ... those dotty colours are gorgeous with the dark base (which is showing the correct navy beautifully here!). Think the weather has taken a turn for the worse with you since this post ... trust you're staying warm and cosy indoors ... and safe, my sweet friend! Miss you ... big hugs and bisous, Anita :)


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