
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Now That Song Is Stuck In My Head...

It's a good thing I'm a Beatles fan. I've got their "birthday" song stuck on my brain, and it keeps going round and round. At least it isn't some random crapola song, lol!! And it's all because of a card I made. It's fun and funky, and looks so cool in real life; the photo just doesn't do it justice!

I was originally inspired by the Inspired By Challenge, where, at first I was beyond stumped. For the second straight day, a rather large PING smacked me, and a card came together. In addition to playing along at Inspired By, for the first time, I am also going to play along at Pixie's Snippets Playground. I'd heard of it, even visited it, but not until today have I played along. Head off to Darnell's blog and read why... After hearing of Di's hard work for all these years, I thought I should pay tribute to a fellow crafter and sweet person, and run headlong into the playground.

So here's my card:

I found this sheet of 12x12 number paper and cut it to fit the front of my card. It's reminiscent of the "score" of a football game. Mostly, I was inspired by the colors and textures over at IB. I found a scrap of kraft, and while rummaging in a drawer the other day, I ran across my ancient paper crimper, and thought it might add the dab of texture I was looking for for this card. First cut with an MFT triangle die, it was then run through the crimper. A teensy snippet of green from the scrap files fit my Studio Calico sentiment perfectly. A trio of silver sequins and all done. So there. Fairly EZPZ. Give your drawers and cupboards a good rummage. See what fun tool or supplies you find! By the Way... Can you guess what it says on the inside? Leave your guess in your comment if you are so inclined to do. Large hint in the first paragraph... As always dear friends...


  1. Thanks the song is stuck in my head too! My hubby is a HUGE Beatles fan, so I knew exactly what song you were referring to!! Cool that DSP and hey, I have a paper crimper too...somewhere! Well done for both challenges!! :0)

  2. This is just plain FUN!!! : ) You scored this one... LOL sorry, I couldn't resist.

  3. super cute card, love how you were inspired!

  4. Fun card, and the post is a great way to honor a friend! Don't you just love when an idea comes and smacks you? I wish I could get more of those!

  5. Brilliant car Bev and a massive welcome to the Playground. I'm so glad you found us and - and thank you so, so much for joining in the blog hop organised by dear Darnell! I'm still quite overcome here!

    Remember to leave a comment on here if you wish to be in the prize draw - no time as yet to check - arms flying all over the place to be honest!


    Di xx

  6. They say....."it's your birthday"! lol This is good song to have stuck in your head at least Bev! I love your card and love how you used your snippets! So glad you decided to join in and honor Di by playing along. I have my paper crimper that I really must get out and use more often. Hugs, Brenda

  7. That Ping "HELP!"ed you pull all the photo elements together, Bev. LOL

    Isn't it funny how what goes around comes around. I used my crimper not long ago and now leave it out so I won't forget it.

  8. I think when I think of a Beatle's song, it gets stuck in my head no matter what it is!! I am thinking Ruby Tuesday in my head now!! LOVE the use of patterned paper on your card. I am trying to step up my use of patterned paper on my cards as of late since I could open a store with what I have and I KEEP BUYING MORE!! I have always loved paper and I just cannot resist when I find something I like. LOVE your take on both those challenges!

  9. Yep, I hear it Bev, thanks... Seriously though, this is another great birthday card, especially for that all-too-difficult-to-create masculine card!

  10. Well done! I love the background paper and that textured kraft! Thanks for playing along at Inspired By.

  11. Rugged and handsome, Bev ... what a fabulous PING you had ... a birthday card fit for a special guy! Don't know the song (mea culpa!) though I'm off to look it up! Big hugs and bisous, Anita :)

  12. Sorry I'm so behind in commenting, my friend! I love that you were inspired by my Hop for Di to come to the Playground and meet the other girls! It's so fun! I love your birthday card with the cool graphic design!! Don't forget to also link to my hop linky tool! Enjoy your week and I hope you've warmed up considerably! We are getting more rain here and cold (for us!) which means we will finally have snow on the hills this week! It's so pretty when it happens! Miss you! Love and hugs, Darnell xxoo

  13. A gorgeous snippets card for a lovely lady!

  14. That's a great snippets card. Very striking.

    I’m running a “Homework Club” behind the bike sheds . . . plenty of goodies left in my satchel . . . come along for a little light refreshment! Hic!
    Hugs, Sarn
    Stamping for Pleasure

  15. SPLENDID make and a great way to celebrate the SNIPPETversary too


  16. Fantastic design, great use of snippets. Emmax


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