
Friday, September 29, 2017

Guest Designing At Tag You're It

When Bobby emailed and asked if I'd like to be Featured Artist at Tag You're It, it was a no-brainer for me. Absolutely, positively had to say yes (and maybe do a little happy dance for good measure!!)!! How exciting! TYI is such a fun place to play, and the DT is fabulous. Thank you so much for having me!

I don't know how your nearly-Fall weather is, but here in SE Wisconsin, it's been hot. Eighty plus degrees as of late, but today it's definitely more seasonable. Since I'm not quite ready to let go of summer yet, so these warmer days have been good with me! The longer I can wear my sandals and tee-shirts, the better! My tag reflects these very last vestiges of summer:

A while back, I was perusing SSS without the intention of actually shopping (snort, giggle, laugh, yeah right...) and came across this set by Photoplay. The bathing suit image immediately caught my eye, and somehow, this set jumped (all by itself, I swear) into my cart! Isn't this just a fun image?!! It's paired with a SSS sentiment and some AE flowers which are colored with a Copic marker, die cut and popped up. The striped PPP ribbon reflect the stripes in the suit, and because I had no matchy-matchy hot pink ribbon, I used the same Copic as the flowers to color a bit of white ribbon. Worked well and my sense of matchy-matchy is happy! Do stop over at TYI and see the wonders that the DT has created and play along! It'll be fun, I promise!!


  1. Congratulations on Guest Designing, Bevie Jean! You stinker, you never said a word! I love that you recently did Inspired and now this fun challenge! Yay!! Unfortunately, I can't see either image on my computer. Not sure if it's just me, but I wanted you to know Justin Case it's not just me ...? I'll go over to TYI and check it out and try to find time to play along with you!! Love and hugs, Darnie Jean

  2. Ooh la la...that's one jazzy snazzy swimsuit, all black-and-white stripey! I'm not one for water, but this little gem I'd consider wearing, whilst lounging pool-side. Thrilled that you're our Featured Artist at TYI with your inspired and inspiring fashion-statement here! Love it...and you!

  3. Sometimes it's weird what can 'fall into' a shopping cart (wink), loving this sweet tag for sure, and those fab striped bathers!

  4. Congrats on being Featured Artist at TY! That striped bathing suit is "très chic", my dear! The little flowers finish the tag nicely and the matching ribbons are perfect! Who knew that one could color ribbon with Copics...
    Enjoy your weekend, my friend!

  5. Congratulations and welcome dear friend! Yes, I heard how hot it was when we watched the Green Bay Game. We had a cool week then heated up again as well.
    Oh what a darling tag and I have to say it was so easy for me to created a tag based off the stripes of that suite! Hope you cool down soon!

  6. I'm so glad you consented to be our Featured Designer, Bev. Your tag was so cute and I had no idea you colored your ribbon. That was brilliant!

  7. Though I've long given up on bathing suits, [and birthday candles like those cuties Bobby made] I have had a ping! hope I can make it happen... you've inspired me with your darling tag, Bev - it's been a long time since I've made one!

  8. Absolutely adorable tag Bev! Love that sweet little bathing suit!

  9. That suit is the cat's meow, Bev! I love that you made your matchy-matchy ribbon and I must say that striped ribbon is so classy! I'm hanging on to summer as long as I can too! So excited to see you as the Featured Artist and I'm hoping to play along!

  10. Congratulations on being Featured Artist at TYI, Bev ... you've sure created a deliciously stylish tag ... that swimsuit is worthy of Audrey Hepburn! Love the tiny blooms and the so perfectly matched ribbon ... so cute! Hope that sunshine is staying with you, my sweet friend! Big hugs & bisous, Anita :)

  11. Just discovered Pixi's Snippit challenge, and when she shared your wonderful tag, and noted you are from WI, I had to stop by to say hi! I'm from NW WI and just started blogging earlier this year. Am loving meeting all the great people and being inspired to create and... well... happy dance! In the words of Arnold, "I'hhlll be baaack!"
    (PS stop on over to my blog and say hello if desired. Fellow cheeseloves- and possibly full-blown cheeseheads- are always welcome!)

  12. Congrats on guesting!! Simply perfect tag! Love it!


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