
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Giving Some Love

Spent zero time in my craft room yesterday. Got myself up and organized fairly early, then got DH up earlish and took him up to an Urgent Care Clinic next to a really good hospital about half an hour from here. They, in turn, sent him to the ER next door to rule out a Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) in his lower left leg. As I assumed, it was cellulitis, which can turn nasty, but the antibiotics have already started to do their thing, and his leg looks much, much better. Just a smidgen of added stress yesterday. All's good today though. Spent my early, early morning FTing with a dear, sweet friend in the land of Oz, and then got crafty. I made about half a dozen card fronts, (4 x 5.25") which you'll see eventually. And since I felt DH needed a little extra loving, I made him a card. That's what we cardmakers do, after all, isn't it?! I used the recipe from Less Is More.

Nary a stamp was used in construction of this card...

All the hearts were cut with a set of LF dies using scraps of red. The "u" is part of an alphabet set from MB. Other than adhesive, that's all it took to make this card. My poor little honeylamb needs a little extra love, and I think this fits the bill nicely. Hope your weekend is lovely, and as always...


  1. You and your poor husband!!! I am sorry that both of you are going through this. I love this fun card with all the die cut hearts and the U. So creative!!

  2. Wah? No stamping.... I don't understand lol. Your card is CAS fabulousness Bev!

  3. Very cool interpretation of the NO STAMPS theme at LIM


  4. Hugs to you! I *love* our FT catch-ups! I always feel so uplifted and inspired after chatting with you. Big hugs to John! So pleased to hear the antibiotics are doing their thing. So thrilled you were able to create too. Such a sweet and simple card. Says it all really! <3

  5. I love this stylish and clean design! The red hearts really pop from the crisp background and it's a great layout for drawing the eye in and around the card. Fantastic! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Less is More :)

  6. So glad that John is moving in the right direction and your card for him is absolute perfection. xx

  7. John is a very lucky man, BEv ... bet he knows it, and loved his card! I sure do...

  8. All those prayers are doing the trick, Bev ... along with all the TLC ... and the antibiotics. Good news indeed! John will love his card ... it's perfect ... I'm calling WWCD on this one! Big hugs & bisous, sweet friend, Anita :)

  9. Poor hubby of yours! But he is so lucky to have you: Not only do you take such good care of him but even make him a sweet, sweet card! Hope he'll be on the mend soon!

  10. Goodness what a day you had but glad the meds are working now. And a stunning card for hubby xx

  11. I'm sure your hubby loved this card you made for him! The cascading hearts look beautiful, what a great layout. Isn't it great when you can make stunning designs using just scraps of cardstock? Love it when that happens! Thanks for joining us at Less is More!

  12. I don't know how I missed this in my inbox. I love your sweet and romantic design for LIM, Bevie, and I'm sure John loved it, too! I hope he is continuing to improve every day! What a scare for you. I'm continuing to keep you both in my prayers. Sending lots of love and hugs, Darnell

  13. Sweet card Bev! I know your DH loves you to pieces - and not only for your tremendous card making skills : )

    Glad to hear he is doing better today and that you got in some play time : )


  14. It's beautiful, Bev!!!!! Glad to hear the antibiotics are already working ! I know you are so loved and so is this card! :)


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