
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Before I Head Out...

Meeting up with a friend to do a little afternoon walking in just a bit. It's hot and muggy, and we're going to get rain later tonight. Granted, not the best of walking conditions, but I really need to get out there. Plus, I like visiting with Mary. We laugh and talk and walk a couple of miles. It's nice. It makes me happy. And you know I'm all about the happy.

Making cards makes me happy too. Had some time the other day to make a card for The Heart Desires, And after seeing the color palette over at Sunday Stamps today, I thought this would work there too! I also made a card this morning for The Flower Challenge and Where Creativity Meets C9.

First up:

It's a tri-fold card which was inspired by Jennifer McGuire. (her's is a mermaid's tail) The ocean's paper is all scraps, and cut with NBUS LF waves dies. The boat and sentiment are also NBUS and are by MFT. The clouds are by MB, and while it was a bit fussy, it wasn't difficult to make. I think it'd make a cute kidlet's card.

This next one refused to photograph nicely. It's now sitting in the corner having a little time out. 

I used C9's Wildflower set and masked and stamped three blooms in Versamark, then embossed them in gold. can't tell that from the photo, hence this card's punishment... The second reason this little card is in the corner, is because the ring and the sentiment are this rich gray/brown, and it looks black here.... The ring is made with two MFT circle dies, and the sentiment is a die cut from Studio Calico. I colored the blooms with some Copics and gave a little WoS to the sentiment, which also doesn't show up, but then again, it never does.... If you drop by, I'll show you how nice this looks in real life! And that's it for me today. Hope to get some commenting done after supper. Hope all is well with you!


  1. Wonderful cards, Bev! From your description of the gold embossing and colors...I'm sure it's even more beautiful in person! :)
    And I should put some of my cards in time out, too! lol Can't tell you how many times I've had a headache from trying to get them to work for me.
    Enjoy your time with your friend! Hugs

  2. You crack me up, Bev! To give even your card a time out for not behaving - that's too funny! I think it looks really pretty but I know that it's hard when you see a card in real life to not be disappointed by how they look on the screen. Shimmer is really hard to capture.
    Absolutely adore your little boat in the waves with the sun behind the clouds! So sweet!

  3. Your cards are wonderful Bev, super cute and clever vellum waves and a bright bunch of flowers always gets a big tick from me!

  4. That sweet little ocean scene is just so cute, Bev ... all the detailing is brilliant ... and I love the happy sunshine peeking through the clouds! Love the wildflowers too (even though they weren't very co-operative for the camera!) ... they're dreamy and delicate and soooo pretty! I see a warm grey/brown on my screen ... and it's just lovely with those bright colours! Missing you, sweet friend ... and thinking of you! Big hugs & bisous, Anita :)

  5. Seems that even waves are prettier made with that little slip of vellum I love!!! a duo of delight for those challenges, Bev! Oh do I wish I could see them for reals... xx
    p.s. Are you going to see Kathy Rac in Wisconsin?

  6. Yes, your post made me laugh too! Walking= good (i need to do that too). Challenge card= so so darn cute! Love your waves and the layering with the vellum card stock is sweet. Thanks so much for joining us at Sunday Stamps! this week! :)

  7. Chatting with you and seeing your marvellous creations makes me happy so you can just imagine how happy I am now. Love *both* cards!! They are fabulous...just like you!

  8. WOW!! I adore your first card with the fun waves you created!! I don't have that die but want it now!! The second card with the lovely masked flowers is fantastic too. I hate when my cards don't play nice when I photograph them!!! Really fabulous projects!!

  9. Lovely! I love how the two cards actually seem to go together. They've both got nice bright colours and the circle with the flowers behind it for the second one remind me of a porthole in a boat. Thank you for playing along again at the Flower Challenge this month. Ruth DT xx

  10. Adorable cards, Bev! Saw the one with little boat and vellum waves at THDC, and had to see it closer... LOVE!

  11. Yay for a walking friend! I still miss mine. I love your trifold fun! And I'm still chuckling about your card in timeout, but I adore how you used the Wildflowers set. Beautiful card! I'm so glad you could join us for our Embossing Challenge at Where Creativity Meets C9.

  12. Bev, these are beautiful....I have to tell you that I LOVE how you were inspired by THD challenge. I'm a sucker for all things nautical!
    Thanks for joining us at The Heart Desires!

  13. These are so darn cute! Love the lake scene! You are such a good girl to walk in muggy heat! God for you and keep it up! I walked once on a hot sunny afternoon something I knew I shouldn't do ... didn't even bring the dog. I just had to walk for a bit of sanity! So glad I did and jumped right into the swimming pool when I got home:)

  14. These are both wonderful! I love your nautical take on the challenge- and so appreciate the frustration of naughty cards that won't photograph to show their details!! Thanks for joining us at The Heart Desires!

  15. Bev, you are awesome! TY as always for bringing your talent over to THD! Hope things have cooled off for you. :)


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