
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Guest Designing for The Heart Desires!!

Oh it's a happy day for me! Katie Brooks sent me an email after the birthday card I made for Lily took top honors at The Heart Desires Challenge, and asked if I wanted to be the Guest Designer for June. After some initial "woohooing," and some serious happy dancing, I replied that I'd be honored. And I am... really, really honored to be June's GD!!!!! I can't wait until you see the inspiration photo, and I'm hoping you'll play along too! Thanks for having me!

Now about that inspiration photo.... I couldn't decide which square to go with, because each one is amazing, and don't even get me started about how much I'm in love with those colors!! See if you can guess where inspiration took me:


This is what I made:

The main panel started out as blank and white. I created three masks from this set, C9's Wildflower (which can also be found in The Heart Desires shop), then covered the entire front with this chrysanthemum. I used some green Copics to color them, and then filled in the background with gray. I had a sample sitting on my desk and gave the centers of a couple a smattering of Stickles, but didn't like the outcome, so left them as is on the 'real' card front. The sentiment is SSS, and the gray ink for the flower outlines is Smoke from Mama Elephant. It needed a little something more, so I added a black mat. EZPZ lemon squeezy!! So there you have it, and I hope you'll join me in the gallery! Thanks to Katie and the DT at The Heart Desires for having me. 


  1. A Big congrats on your Guest design spot Bev, how wonderful, your card is amazing too, what a great take on the inspiration!

  2. Congratulations on your guest design Bev! Love your card, those flowers inspired by the challenge graphic are so pretty.

  3. Gorgeous card Bev. Love those bright and fresh flowers. Congrats on being GD at The Heart Desires. xx

  4. Congrats on your Guest Designer spot and what a beautiful card you designed. Thanks so much for stopping my blog and leaving a lovely comment, I loved the challenge and needed very much to break my cacti stamp set out.

  5. We're so lucky to have you guesting with us! Way to rock the challenge! Your card is absolutely gorgeous!

  6. OH MY GOSH!!! You SERIOUSLY stamped this!!! Wowzers girl...I thought it was DP! I love the bits of purple - totally sets off the gorgeous green colors!

    You sooooooo rocked this GD gig. Congrats on the Top Honors at The Heart Desires challenge!

    Been totally MIA...yep playing outside instead. So far behind in comments and visits that I think I'm coming in first! Thing is, the entire summer will likely yield the same results, so trying to play catch-up likely won't happen! Might sneak in some work time visits though (like now)!!!

  7. So I'm not the only one who makes a sample card. Unfortunately sometimes my sample, which is done on copy paper, turns out better that the 'real' thing. Your masking and stamping is wonderful, Bev, and the color delightful. Congrats on your guest designer gig.

  8. Congratulations on your GD gig! They are lucky to have you! I have a real soft spot for a good lime green color, especially when it is paired with gray, so I REALLY love this card! Covering the front of the card with all those blossoms is a great idea. This is so happy and cheerful!

  9. lovely!! These flowers always cheer me! Lucky to have YOUR TALENT at the Heart Desires!!! Yay Happy Dances for sure!!

  10. I'm SO happy to see you won the challenge, BEv! and this GORgeous card for this month's challenge, too! LOve the shading, and am just amazed this panel EVER had any white ... beautiful stamping, masking, coloring, and WOW need I say more? Congratulations... xx

  11. Congratulations again on your win, Bevie, and on the well-deserved GD assignment! You have really nailed the photo inspiration! In fact, you did such a good job that when I saw the collage you posted on FB, I didn't realize that was your card on the righthand side. I thought it was part of the photo inspiration board!! Enjoy your month in the spotlight! Miss you!! Hugs, Darnell

  12. Wow! Wow! Wow! This is absolutely gorgeous Bev. I love the greens and gray together. Way to go on the well deserved guest design team spot!

  13. Congratulations on your GD spot, Bev ... so well deserved! Your card is a delight of fresh, pretty and fabulous ... I do love that colourway! Happy Dancing alongside you, my friend ... Hugs & bisous, Anita :)

  14. Woo Hoo!! congratulation friend a well deserved honor!! and your card is over the top beautiful!! the perfect take on this amazing inspiration photo.

    You inspire me to join your challenge!! I hope I can find the time.

    BIG (((Hugs)))

  15. Oooooh! I love your card Bev! It's a great take from the inspiration photo, which is fabulous by the way. I think you knocked this challenge out the park my friend! Hugs, Brenda

  16. WOOHOO! You rock and so does this card. So thrilled for you too. :)


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