
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

New Cutter

Thought I'd give you a quick update on my new paper cutter. Earlier this month, I chucked my large Fiskars trimmer when my new Rotatrim M12 came. It's as big as my old Fiskars, but has considerable more heft to it. There are no replaceable parts, and the blade is self-sharpening, which is really nice. There are no fuzzy edges after making a cut, and I'll keep you posted as to whether or not this continues. It will cut a sliver off an edge not much wider than a hair, and does so through layers. Cutting slender-width scraps is a bit more difficult, but I'm working around that, and it's no big deal to me; will let you know how well that works as time goes on. It was pricey. But if I continue to like it, and it lasts me five or more years, I'll be a happy camper. So far so good. Shoot me an email if you have any questions, and I'll be happy to answer as best I can.

I do have a couple of cards for today. I actually finished one yesterday, but needed to let the watercolor dry on the second one, and by then, the light was gone so I couldn't photograph it. So today's the day.  The first is going to head off to the ever lovely Darnell's NBUS #8. This challenge has an optional theme too; colored pencils on kraft.

Never-Before-Used-Schtuff (Stamps, Dies, EFs, etc.)


I'd used the N&T kitty before, but not the banner, sentiment, or yarn, so I sure hope this counts as NBUS. I stamped the kitty on kraft, colored the little critter and die cut him. His tummy was a lighter gray, and I thought it would be nice to give him a little WoS for some added sparkle. Instead of grabbing my Clear WoS, I grabbed the White....turns out, it looks pretty darn good. Happy accident!! He's popped up a bit for some dimension. 

Next I have a card that fits three challenges. CASology, Happy Little Stampers Anything Goes With Dies, and CAS Watercolor Card Challenge. All for one simple card!


Die. Cut. Watercolor. Yep, all there...

I've been dying to use this diecut since I got back from the Lake House in October. I'm pretty sure it belonged to Anita. But until yesterday, nothing worked well enough for me to stop hoarding it, lol. Then, I started swirling some blue Ziggy watercolor and water. Looks like an ice cave, or something cold at least... I'm not sure who made the die, but it could be Poppystamps. The sentiment is from an old MFT set. That's it. EZPZ lemon squeezy. And I like the way this turned out. Hope you do too. Well, I've got a ping waiting, tapping its foot, wanting to get made, so as I always do, I must obey that call. Have a great day, and happy dances everyone!!


  1. Purr-fect timing Bev! :) My cutter just bit the dust and I'm looking to replace it. I had bought a self-sharpening cutter last year in anticipation that my cutter was on it's last legs ... but it turned out not to cut very well. It sort of rips the paper instead of cutting. So I am going to check out the Rotatrim ... thanks!

    Two sweet cards. Love the little kitty ... adorable done on kraft, fussy-cut and popped up. So sweet! And your icy blue watercolour card is so beautiful and very unique. It really does look like an ice cave! Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Mix Up! xx

  2. Oops ... thanks for sharing at CAS Watercolour. :) xx

  3. You will LOVE this paper trimmer. I've been using the same one for 20 years and it's seen heavy duty use and still cuts perfectly. Just keep it clean and it will cut flawlessly for many, many years to come. Since it is a professional cutter, it is worth the investment. i've tried many other relatively inexpensive "hobby" trimmers and have wasted all those $$, I always go back to the Rotatrim.

  4. Bev both cards are so sweet, that kitty with the ball of yarn and the icy cave looks so neat! Have never heard of your trimmer but I will check it out for sure. I still have the big Fiskars and hubby replaced it with a new Fiskars on my birthday but the edges are already fuzzy, need new blades. My old Fiskars was resurrected, so I do a bit of both plus my small Tonic guillotine! Do the perfect trimmer exist, will be watching for your continued reviews.

  5. Oh Bev!! That little kitty is adorable!!! You did a great job coloring on the kraft. I think I am going to have to get out my pencils again. As for that "ice cave" you created with your Zigs-STUNNING!! I LOVE the color you used and the effect is just amazing. How come I cannot get my Zigs to do that? Curious to hear more about your cutter. I need a new one desperately. I have a big Fiskars and it is just not doing it anymore for me. Hard to find the parts now too. Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Your little kitten card is lovely Bev. He really is adorable. Glad you're pleased with your new trimmer. Barbxx

  7. I love that sweet little kitty and that background circle is amazing!

  8. Love both of your cards, Bev. Thanks so much for including CASology in your crafty fun. And, I'm glad you like your new cutter.

  9. Two lovely cards Bev, that kitty is such a cutie and the white WoS did turn out great.

  10. Oh, that is just the cutest little kitty with his shiny white tummy, Bev!!!! Love the expression on his face and the four tiny whiskers!!!!
    That is such a sweet card, my friend!!!!
    The snowflake die is lovely and the look you got with your Ziggy and water if just amazing - perfect to go with your snowflake die!!!!
    A new cutter wonderful ...have fun using it!!!!!
    Have a great day!!!!

  11. Glad you got some crafting time, Bev. That little kitty is so cute done in kraft and that blue is spectacular. It does look like an ice cave but when I looked again I almost saw a rose.

  12. There is no 'practically' about it, Bev ... really perfect, and the white tummy is, too!
    Gorgeous blue!!! now that's twice in an hour I've said those words - shocking because I'm not usually a blue fan!

  13. Yes, please keep us posted with this super cutter of yours! Your cat card is adorable but your spectacular ice cave has left me breath less! Out of this world!

  14. Two more awesome cards!!! You won't be surprised to hear that you sweet little kitty card melted my heart! Beautifully colored and a divine CAS design! Love the ball of yarn :)

    2nd Card - Wowzers x a kazillion! Seriously amazing and soooooooo cool! The absolute perfect way to showcase your 'ice cave'...which was the first thing that popped into my head...influenced perhaps by the snowflake diecut (of which I have yet to use!). Nice tidy little sentiment doesn't steal the spotlight from the main element!

    Thanks for the update on the cutter. Looking forward to a future review!

  15. both your cards are so wonderful Bev, how cool is that window die cut, that was the perfect choice and I agree sometimes it just takes a little time before a piece just 'works', and of course the cute little cat would melt anyones heart!

  16. Two wonderful designs.

    Hugs Diane

  17. I love that watercolor piece, Bev! The movement and dimension is awesome and it's perfectly framed! Love the sweet kitty too! Thanks so much for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!

  18. I'm so glad you are liking your new cutter as much as you hoped you would, Bevie! Your little kitty card is purr-fect! I like the effect of the white Wos and, of course, thank you so much for playing in my challenge!

    And your icy blue watercolor card is so unique and fantastic! I think I brought that snowflake circle die to the LH, but Anita might have brought one, too. The name is Stitched Snowflake Circle Frame by Memory Box. (I've still to use it myself, lol!) Happy pinging!! Miss you! Hugs, Darnell

  19. that is a gorgeous snowflake card, the blue background looks like it goes on forever!
    Heather T

  20. Just had to come and tell you just how much I love your blue and white card, the snowflakes in the circle and your use of the blue - PERFECT.

  21. Glad to hear that you are enjoying your new paper cutter Bev! It looks like a nice one as I had a look up on it. I have one similar, but only one guide rail for the blade to run on and I'm happy with mine as well. Yours looks more heavy duty! Love both of your cards. That cat cracks me up, he is just too cute. Love, love, love that cool effect you got with the zigs and yes, it looks like an ice cave! Both are fabulous cards!!! Hugs, Brenda

  22. OMG Bev...I LOVE your ice cave Zig image and pretty snowflake die cut framing. CAS perfection. TFS and joining us at CAS Watercolour. Hugs...
    Good luck with your new cutter. I have the SU new cutter...actually about 2 years old now and love it. I had worn out 2 fiskar cutters.

  23. An adorable kitty, Bev ... love his shimmery white tummy and sweet little ball of wool, all ready to tangle with! Swooning at that gorgeous deep, saturated colour on your snowflake frame ... it's a stunner. It wasn't mine at the LH ... wish it had been ... or at least wish I'd seen it as it would've been used a few times in preparation for future cards!! Enjoy the new cutter ... certainly sounds as though it was a wise buy (isn't all crafty stuff?!!). Miss you heaps, mon amie! Hugs & bisous, Anita :)

  24. You know that I love that adorable kitty card especially his pink ears and sparkly tummy. So sweet! And your "ice cave" is amazing! Gorgeous swirls and absolutely the perfect background for that gorgeous die. Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!

  25. Ohhh I have been on a quest for the perfect paper trimmer for years. I've tried a bazillion of them (okay, that is a slight exaggeration, but at one stage I did have a quantity of paper trimmers in the double figures). Would love an update after you've had some time to really put it through its paces. Thanks, Ms Bev!

    You're cards are so darling! The kitty cat is a cutie and I love, love the colours and design of the second card. lol I love the colours and design of the first one too lol...but that!

  26. I love the unique, gorgeous look of your blue snowflake card...cute kittie too...
    Thanks so much for playing along with the CAS WATERCOLOUR Challenge. Hope you join us again!

  27. What a pair of gorgeous, yet utterly different cards, Bev. Cute doesn't begin to describe that little kitty, and your blue ice cave has me absolutely captivated! Definitely a card that leaves on spellbound! WOw! Thanks so much for sharing with us at CASology this week, Bev!

  28. Cute kitty! That blue inky swirl is to die for! So gorgeous!

  29. The second card is fabulous Bev, the kitten is so cute.

    Love and hugs

  30. Two fabulous makes Bev! The kitty so cute and the AMAZING blue you added as BG to those delicate snowflakes. In LOVE!
    Beautifully done, so glad you joined us at CASology this week!
    Thanks for sharing my friend.

  31. I hope you love your trimmer. No matter how many times I change the blade on my Fiskars, I end up dealing with the fuzzy edges!! Sadly, I think it's a habit now! LOVE your kitty on craft. The pop of red in the yarn ball is a fun touch!

  32. fun card love the watercolor backgroundd
    good trimmers are hard to find, I have a graveyard of trimmers.

    thanks for joining us at Happy Little Stampers

    Barb Housner (DT)


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