
Saturday, January 14, 2017

Mama said...

Gray. Mama said I looked good in gray. She also said that I wasn't made for ruffles, lace, or frills. No girly-girl clothes for me. Straight lines, solid colors, with maybe a touch of flowers or plaids. I can remember getting a new winter coat when I was about 12. It was gray, with a stand-up collar, and a double row of buttons on the chest. I loved that coat. Maybe it was because it wasn't a little girl coat, or maybe it was because she liked it, or maybe I loved it because gray seemed to be a color made just for me. Funny what goes through our child minds, and funny what we remember. Mama didn't mince too many words. She also told me I had "stringy" hair.... Oh mom....

So what's with the above narrative? You didn't need to know that, really, but my card is gray, and often when I stop and think about a color, a memory floods back. That was the memory triggered today. Because I have a gray card.

Playing at CAS(E) This Sketch. I'm supposed to be cleaning house, but the card wouldn't let my mind rest until it was made and posted, which is better than scrubbing toilets any day of the week!

Kept it pretty close to the sketch.

The flower is from the Wildflowers set by Concord & 9th. The sentiment is one of my favorites from PTI. Both are heat embossed in white. A couple of pearls, and the beloved gray paper is from my scrap drawer.  Time to get to the housework *sigh*. Happy dances everyone.


  1. Stunning card, and I loved the story behind it too.

  2. Adore this colour and a CAS perfection, have a fun weekend xx

  3. Don't worry about cleaning the house (or Grey hair lol), grey is the very chic and so is your card!

  4. This card is 100% worth skipping the cleaning for! It's gorgeously elegant! And I loved reading your grey memories. I would have been thrilled if my mom said I looked good in grey. I was such a tomboy and was constantly battling against the pinks and frills and ruffles that she and my grandma wanted to put me into. :)

  5. Your momma was right -- you do GREAT in gray! Your card is beautiful, and your memories are precious!

  6. Sigh indeed, Bev ... this is stunning ... chic, understated, stylish ... rather like that grey coat sounds! A true striking beauty, mon amie! Big hugs & bisous, Anita :)

  7. Love your pretty gray card...the embossing makes things POP

    Momma's don't mince too many words, do they...mine doesn't either :)

    Happy Sunday Bev.

  8. I believe that it is about ALMOST all the color you need is right there in that great big rainbow colored heart of yours!
    and I happen to think gray is the best color EVER!
    gorgeous creation...

  9. I hope when yo mama launched words at you served with mince, she followed them up with words loaded with sugar. Like "I hate it to say it, Beverly, but you do have stringy hair. Fortunately, no one notices it because you have a beautiful face and a megawatt smile!" Hmmn? Well, the nice thing about memories is that we can change the narrative if we want, right?! Cuz even if she didn't SAY it, I'm sure she was thinking it! I love your charcoal card! I just used a base like that with schparkles on it? Did you ever get that colored card stock about 15 years ago that had glitter right in it? I only have a few sheets left and hoard it. I should look and see if anyone still makes it. I love the way that C&9 image embossed in white reminds me of a sand dollar. Why that brings back a memory of Dan and I on a beach in Oregon strewn with sand dollars. I still have a container with about 200 of them and I'm not one for saving schtuff, but they are too precious to throw away. Hey, I should take them back to the beach! I just thought of that! Okay, well, sorry to bend your ear so long that now the day is over and it's time for supper!! Miss you! Hugs, Darnell

  10. With all my love of bright colors it strikes me as funny how much I love gray at the moment! So your gray and white CAS beauty really speaks to me!

  11. What an enjoyable is funny what we remember from our childhoods, isn't it? Colors are definitely linked to memory, althogh I believe smell is the most strongly linked. Anyway, your card is absolutely classy and perfect...anyone would love it!

  12. Your story made me smile! Love your card. So CAS and absolutely fabulous!

  13. Such sweet memories, Bev. And I totally understand the "aha I have an idea so let me go put it on paper". I've done that many times before the idea slips away. This time your idea was a great one - so beautiful in its simplicity.

  14. Well definitely a beautiful grey cad Bev! Grey is the new black! ;)

  15. Hummm, loved hearing your little story Bev. I had to laugh about the stringy hair bit, my mother would always say, "How does Brenda look? Fat as a hog isn't she?!" Only back then I wasn't fat. I think I will take your stringy hair over being fat as a hog. lol Ah, memories...some I can live without. But I do so love your gray card Bev! The simplicity of this card is just stunning. I love the color gray and think it is a color that gets ignored a lot. I have a gray house, so yep, I love gray! Hugs, Brenda

  16. Beautiful card, Bev! It's interesting what triggers memories, isn't it...

  17. "Greyt" creation! Yep... a bit lame but couldn't resist!!!

    GORGEOUS! GORGEOUS! GORGEOUS! Clean, simple and beyond elegant! My new #1 Fav Bev Card!

    BTW, I think your hair is gorgeous! Sleek, shiny and classy!

  18. Oh, ...enjoyed your story, Bev!!!! And your grey card is sooooooo beautiful!!!! Super CAS and eye-catching!!!! Love that stunning flower and the grey is simply gorgeous!!!!
    Have a great day!!!

  19. The biggest section in my rainbow of cardstock is gray!! It can be so elegant like our lovely card - or soft - or a great backdrop to vibrant colors - I LOVE gray!!


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