
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Twofer Challenge #27

In a minute, you'll see an "I'm thinking of you today," card, which seems very appropriate. I am thinking of you all. And I want to say thank you for the lovely cards you've sent, the thoughts and prayers you've offered on behalf of me and my family, and for checking in on me. It's been a bit over a month since my darling passed, and I am still trying to adjust. It will take time, but as God watches over me, I know that I will eventually make the adjustment to this new life. In the meantime, I keep busy sorting, cleaning, and doing those things that have been put off for so long. I have time to do all those things now. I'm not spending time in my craft room, as I don't want to associate mourning with card making. But soon... I hope. Our family will gather to celebrate John's life once Covid-19 allows us to do so safely, though we have no idea when that will be. I continue to think of you, and to pray that you and yours stay safe. Now for my Twofer...

Since I used my "Mayflower" joke last month, I'd better skip it for this month. But those little kids still find it funny, though the days of jokes with grandma are quickly fleeting. Speaking of those little kids, I got a call from one of the grandsons recently asking if I still had the power to send his dad into 'time-out!' Naturally, I responded that I did! G-man and his dad both laughed. Oh the men and boys in my family...I tell ya. It's time, however, to tell you about the goings-on over at The Twofer Challenge. We've got a pretty challenge, "flowers" this time. Now if you're anything like me, you've got way more than one set of flower stamps/dies, and they're all ready and waiting for you to choose one set and make two cards with them, each a different design and for two different occasions. Be sure to stop over at the Twofer Challenge and see what the rest of the DT has created. I guarantee you'll be blown away!

Here are my flower cards photographed together:

And individually:

Let's start with my flowers, shall we? That's a blossom from Altenew's Always There set. I love this bloom. It lends itself so easily to a near infinite number of possibilities. For my 'thinking of you' card, I started with a white base and four blooms with three leaves clustered on a ME chunky, scalloped frame. I tucked a scrap of patterned paper, which was supposed to go on a different card, but when I tossed the frame to one side for a moment, and it landed on the paper, I was smitten by the contrast. It works, I think. I did a bit of Copic coloring, die cut the images, and added that SSS sentiment for balance. 
For my birthday card, I had the idea to go with a bright, rich pinky-red and utilize one single bloom. I left it uncolored except for the center. The square was cut with an MFT die, and the sentiment is from Whimsey Stamps. EZPZ!

I can't wait to see what you make with this prompt! This'll be fun, I promise! See you in the Twofer Gallery, and as always...


  1. I'm thinking of you, too, Bevie, and keeping you close as you move on to the next chapter. I have a feeling it will be a good one! Especially when families are able to be together again. I know you miss those squishy hugs! I've just heard that Henry, at 15, is now 5'11 and Adam is 5'10. They'll be hugging the top of my head now, lol!

    I love your two flower designs and the way you brought vibrant colors to your cards! They are both simple designs but they pack a huge wallop! The cluster of flowers in pale colors looks so fresh against that bright green frame and chevron pp! And your b/w peek-a-boo bloom is a design I'll be CASEing again and again! Love you and miss you. Take care and be safe!! Hugs, Darnell xxoo

  2. Bev, I am continuing to send thoughts and prayers your way. Your cards are such a bright spot. That single bloom is perfect not competing for color. Your multibloom card is lovely with all the soft lavender, blue and pink shades. Take care.

  3. Those are beautiful flowers and fabulous color choices, Bev! That chevron looks amazing against the green, and that white flower is stunning with the bold red! I'm thinking of you too, today! I can't wait until we can set up a play date!

  4. You continue to be in my prayers too, Bev. I'm sure making the adjustment is even more difficult without the physical closeness of your children and grandchildren. This is the second Altenew set I've seen that I don't have. I must be slipping. I love that it can make a lovely quartet of colorful blooms or a beautiful solitary statement. Beautiful cards!

  5. Hi Bev. Thinking of you and wishing you strength as you deal with one day at a time. Keeping busy is a good thing. Hopefully the time will pass quickly and soon Covid will be at a point where we can see our loved ones. You have a large and wonderful family waiting to give you a big hug.

    Both card are beautiful Bev. I love your grouping of pretty flowers. You're right, the patterned paper and framing look great together. Your bright red card base is so cheerful with the white flower which really pops against the rich colour. Two AMAZING cards, my friend! xx

  6. Hey Bev...was so glad to read the beginning of your post and see that you are hanging in there and keeping busy! I know that the new "normal" will take a while to get used to, but hopefully this Covid virus will hit the road soon so that you can get back to spending time with that wonderful BIG family of yours and all your friends too! And loved hearing that you STILL have the power of "time out"...bahahahaha!! I'm definitely going to remind my oldest (31) daughter about that one!! Anyway...your cards! I'm absolutely in LOVE with both of them! Like Bobby in the world did I miss that Altenew stamp set???!!! It reminds me a little of "Beautiful Day" but smaller and I really like that! Your 4 blooms together in your 1st card with the green frame and DSP is soooo pretty and I just love how the frame and DSP work together to accentuate those lovely blooms! And your red card??? Oh my gosh do I ever LOVE that one Bev...CAS perfection and I just love how the whole card POPS! Sometimes simple really is the best!! Lovely, lovely cards my friend! And now if I could ask just one teeny tiny favor...PLEASE, PLEASE send some sunshine and warmer temps over our way!! I am so tired of cold, wet, and gray!! Thank you very much in advance!! Hugs. :0)

  7. Thinking of you every day too, Bev ... and keeping you close in prayer ... with you in spirit, my friend. Wonder if that time out power extends beyond children and grandchildren ... just ponderin'! Your cards are delicious ... a gorgeous corner arrangement on the first ... the frame and background pp are a fabulous contrast to the soft, subtle colouring! Wow to that vibrant hot pink on the birthday card ... it's so striking with the simple, almost-line-art bloom! CAS loveliness! Miss you, sweet friend! Big hugs and bisous, Anita :)

  8. Many thoughts and prayers coming your way, and it's so good to see you in blogland - though take your time and take care! Meanwhile, we'll enjoy your two wonderful flower cards, they're fantastic!

  9. Two beautiful cards with that blossom stamp, Bev! Especially love the outline one with the rich red! Glad to hear you are healing - it's such a hard thing under normal conditions, much less this pandemic!

  10. I found the twofer challenge today while exploring for challenges. This one was one I had not tried before. The rules suggested that we make comments on others cards, so I came to your blog. I am so sorry to read that you lost a loved one during this pandemic and I know how heard it must be during these strange times we are all dealing with. Please know you will be in my prayers. Your cards are lovely and thank you for sharing your talents during a time when I know it must be hard to do.

  11. Thinking of you and so glad you are keeping busy. I totally understand about not wanting to craft at this time. It will come when you are ready. This is such a new world and hard to lose a loved one now when you can't be together with your family. My prayers are with you. Love your Twofer's. The red just pops and the second card is a beautiful design with all of the flowers. Keep safe and stay strong, Bev.

  12. I am so sorry for you loss. I am sure you will find some solace in crafting when you are ready. Your cards are absolutely gorgeous! I love red and green so they both sing to me. Take care of yourself, I am thinking of you. Stay safe. Hugs xxx


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