
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Twofer Challenge #13

I'll bet you thought that the Twofer Challenge this month would be "hearts," or "love," or something equally Valentine-ish, didn't you?! Nope. Though, I suppose Valentine's Day stars could be really romantic....

Except maybe here, or in even more northern climes. Usually early to mid February is, well, bitterly cold, with temps below zero. I think if I do gaze at the stars with my sweetie pie, it'll be from inside a nice warm house, lol! Got any plans for Valentine's Day? Ours will, I'm sure, include several college basketball games. Just can't get more romantic than that, can you?...hahahaha!

So let's see where the stars took me:

The green shaker card is a thank you card, and (as if you couldn't tell) the second card is a birthday card. I make tons of birthday cards. I have to...I have exactly 47,298,106 family members. Or so it seems, anyway! The sentiment on the shaker card is from WPlus9, and all the papers and MFT stars are scraps with some clear sequins (from Ardyth) tossed in for good measure. EZPZ to make. The birthday card uses an MFT paper, and the same die cut star as in the shaker. Just one on this one though. I added some flat gold sequins, and that's a Uniko (I think) sentiment. Another card in the EZPZ realm.'s not all that hard to make two differently designed cards with the same stamp, die, or stencil! If you're asking, then let me tell you that by doing this at least once a month, and actually, when I stop and think about it, I often find myself doubling up; making two cards with the same supplies - that way, I've always got that 'extra' birthday card, or sympathy card, or baby card, or which ever card the kids need when they stop by and ask, "hey ma/grandma, do you have a _____ card that I can have?" I don't often post the doubles, but I make them. Boy this challenge is handy! What will you do with 'stars?' Be sure you stop by the Twofer Challenge blog and join in the fun! I'll see you there, right?!


  1. Hi Bev very glad nkt Valentine's. Bit over it esp as don't do in Oz. Love your two cards.. well done.
    Hugs Shaz in Oz.x

  2. fab and fun-love he background of the second card and using only one star is inspired x

  3. Maybe it's meant to be 'Starry eyed' for Valentines! And your beautiful creations have certainly made me starry eyed Bev!

  4. Two FABULOUS cards Bev!! Your shaker card is wonderful and I mean, who doesn't LOVE a shaker?!! And I love the simplicity of your birthday card, but oh my is it ever COOL looking! Love that DSP!! And good idea to make 2 of everything when you have as many family members as you do!! :0) Have fun being romantic with those basketball games this week...bahahahaha!! Hugs! :0)

  5. I love your thank you card, Bevie, and how you made it so colorful and interactive with that shaker! And your birthday card is perfect for those hard-to-make manly cards! Two awesome starry designs! Happy Valentine's Day watching those games! I will be spending mine either in the hospital or at home being Nurse Ratchet again! 🏥 Hugs, Darnell

  6. Two fantastic designs, Bev! Your colorful stars make for perfect shaker elements, and I love that you made the shiny one the "star" of the show on your birthday card! Oh, it's going to be a month of star-studded puns, I can see it already!

  7. Wonderful shaker card, those stars are just fabulous for floaters. YOur graphic card has a wonderful masculine vibe to it.

  8. I love where your stars took you! You were born with the CAS gene and you put it to good use. You really need it with those 47 million plus family members! Shakers are fun for everyone, and your silvery birthday card is great for a guy, but, heck, I'd be happy to receive it, too. Good idea to double up, and maybe the Twofer Challenge IS a good training ground!

  9. What a fabulous shaker, Bev ... all bright and vibrant and fun ... bet you can't stop shaking it (the card that is)! Your birthday card is soooo cool ... crisp, graphic, stylish ... and so delicious in those yummy greys! Good luck with those 47,298,105 more birthday cards! (I truly laughed out loud ... loudly!). Big hugs and bisous, Anita :)

  10. Valentine's day can just sit back and be jealous of your starry cards, Bev … star gazing can be just as romantic... if you turn the sound down on those games! xx

  11. A colorful star shaker. What a great idea, Bev. And a masculine birthday card that many find difficult to make but you found the formula. Two fantastic cards, mf.

  12. love both of your star designs! Gotta love your shaker card!

  13. Two fantastic cards Bev. Love that sweet shaker card with the colourful stars ... so fun!! And your second card is an amazing CAS design. LOVE it ... perfect masculine card, which always seem to be the hardest type to make. :) Your Valentine's Day sounds about the same as ours will be ... but without the football games. :) xx

  14. hi Bev! Aww, all those stars shaking around on your card are just so much fun! So glad you make two cards when you can ... like you said, you always need some more ; ) xo, Kelly

  15. No Valentine's plans here Bev, except maybe popping by the cemetery. It would have been our 26th wedding anniversary on the 13th. Watching basketball or just being in a warm house with your sweetie sounds pretty darn good to me! It's about being together more than it is about what you are doing. So I love that you guys will be together and watching something you love. I am loving both of your cards! I love too that the challenge isn't hearts or Valentine-ish. Your shaker card is so fun-shakers are so fun to begin with. lol I love that you tucked stars in there to shake around. Your birthday card is equally fun. I can't keep up with birthday's, there are so many. lol We must be related Bev! lol I love that background on your birthday card, it is perfect for your star to shine! Now I've got to put my thinking cap on. I know, good luck with that! Hugs, Brenda

  16. I'm so over the cold here too, Bev. Thank goodness we are inside toasty warm. Your shaker cards using stars is so cute and stars for the shaker bits is clever. The geometric card is a good birthday card to have on hand for anyone. I know what you mean by spending holidays watching games on TV. Basketball now, football at Thanksgiving and Christmas. That's our family's regular holidays too.

  17. Fab shaker and I love the graphic look of the second card!!

  18. Hi Bev,
    2 wonderful cards for the Twofer DT.
    They are so inspiring and wonderfully created.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.


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