
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I Have A Question For You...

Besides making cards and hanging out with the grands, I like to cook and bake. And after a nice conversation with Darnell about scalloped potatoes, I got to thinking. I wondered if people still "cooked" supper; you know, do people make home-cooked meals, or do we now just rely on take-out, delivery, subscription meals-in-a-box, and/or drive-through foods? So that's my question, and if you feel like you want to leave an answer in the comment box, feel free. If not, that's fine too. After all, it's just food for thought (hahahahahahahaha). Btw, I cook nearly every night. I can make practically anything and my baking is nothing to shake a stick at either -- just ask the grands and DH!

I don't have any food photos for you today, but I do have a couple of cards to show you. Let's have a look, shall we?

The first card will head off to Words 2 Craft By, and the second one will play along at Fusion and Simon Says Wednesday Challenge

Words 2 Craft By are asking us to contemplate 'love and random acts of kindness.' My card reflects the love I have for my friends. That's me on the far left hanging out with three ladies at a lake house... Don't know what life would be without them! Love them so much!!

I used a large Art Impression image, and worked on my Copic coloring. It's getting a bit better, but I have a long way to go. That's fine. I can monitor my progress in the coming months! The sentiment is from Altenew. 

My next card is just plain fun, if you ask me.

All the stamps are from Ellen Hutson. The dies are too, except for the rectangle which is MFT. I did a bit more Copic coloring here, and winked up the unicorn and rainbow, which you cannot tell. I found this chunk of patterned paper by Studio Calico, and believe it or not, the dots are the same color as the rectangle...they just look gray in the photograph. Go figure... I used the sketch and a bit of the photo for inspiration. Well, it's time to get supper going. I'm going to stuff a couple of pounded chicken breasts with some chopped bacon and cheese. We'll add a baked potato and some nice green veggies to round out the meal. Guess I'd better get cracking! You have a nice evening, and as always...


  1. Great cards, the sentiment on the unicorn one is fantastic. In response to your question, I cook and bake from scratch the majority of nights. I love good old fashioned homemade food, you know all the ingredients and it tastes so much better than anything from a packet. I'm blessed that my Mom and great grandmother are were amazing cooks, I've left my Gran out because the cooking gene definitely missed her, yuck, its a wonder my grandad didn't wither away due to starvation waiting for a good meal lol... God rest her soul. Happy cooking, baking and crafting... sorry for waffling ;) x

  2. Oh how fun!! I LOVE the AI card. Those girls are rocking it!! The little unicorn card has the most fantastic sentiment!!! GREAT take on the challenges.

    As for cooking. I bake from scratch but HATE to cook-but am not bad at it when I do. We get Plated two nights and Chris makes them. Other nights, we make hamburgers or I make home made enchiladas, with homemade enchilada sauce. I wish I liked doing it but it is not a chore I love. Have a great night Bev!!

  3. I think I have whatever gene Claire's grandma had! I'd rather clean your toilet than cook you a meal. So sad. I wish I loved it since it's a wonderful way to feed a family! DH loves to cook, so we eat homemade almost every night. Tonight was chicken curry. Bev, these cards are awesome! I am so honored to be one of your Lake House friends! I can't tell which one is me because none of them look like a dork...Anywho, your unicorn card is over the top in the category of quirky fabulousness!

  4. They are both fun if you ask me, Bevie! Loved your rendition of us from the Lake House although we were never that well dressed, lol! Great job on your coloring here and with your darling unicorn card! So fun having the unicorn jump over the rainbow and mint ice cream clouds! I think YOU are freakin fantasmagorical!! Hugs, Darnell xxoo

  5. I LOVE to cooking would do it every night, but sometimes life gets in the way. Hubby told me to go back to work because he’s gaining weight from all the new recipes I’ve been trying since I’ve been home. Your cards are magical, as always. PS can you share the stuffed chicken breast recipe?

  6. Fab and Fun cards-love the images!
    I don't like cooking-in fact not a fan in any way. But as I don't work anymore and I am coeliac we have to be super careful with food, so I prepare the food in the day-but super, duper basic-ceg/salad and then something we can grill in 1 mins or so as hubby gets in so late!!
    So good to have questions like this asked as we get to know each other better xx

  7. I recognized you right away, Bev!!! next Darnell, then Kara, and Anita!! LOve you girls so much, too!
    Two darling cards, and such wonderful Copic-coloring - you go girl, they are freakin' fantasmagorical!

  8. Awesome cards Bev. LOVE the portraits of the girl from the lake house. :) I can just imagine you all having a good time with lots of laughs!

    Your unicorn card is adorable. Anything with a rainbow is fantastic! Great work with your copic colouring on both cards.

    I do like to cook and often make dinner. Once a week we'll get take out ... and sometimes if I'm busy with cards, we'll have a quick soup and sandwish for dinner. I'm lucky that hubby is happy with anything I make him! :) Baking I LOVE to do. I'd rather bake than cook. :)

  9. You look like you're dressed a little fancy for the lake house, Bev. ;) That is such a fun image and your coloring is wonderful. Your supper sounds scrumptious although without the cheese, please. I do cook and now that I'm both dairy free and gluten free it is all the more necessary. I'm just glad I found a great GF chocolate chip cookie recipe.

  10. Your cards are amazing Bev and so is your colouring! I can't tell you how much that Unicorn makes me smile.... but you already knew that, didn't you? In response to your question, I love to eat... and my hubby is a great cook, I can cook but prefer to wash up after, so it's home cooking for us every night followed by me washing up!

  11. I recognized you all right off in the lake house card Bev...bahahaha!! You're doing just great on your coloring too and I'm totally loving the bright rainbow unicorn card!! My 4 year old granddaughter is BIG into unicorns right now and I have a hard time not buying everything I see for her that has unicorns on it...I think I'm driving her mom nuts!! And I cook Sunday through Thursday and then we go out on Fridays and days off! I used to LOVE to bake, but with only Chris and I here now it just doesn't get eaten up, so I don't do a whole lot of it any more, but I really do miss it!! You need to check out my Critter Celebration post where I mentioned you because you inspired me...thank you, thank you!! :0)

  12. Oh my, aren't we all looking dashing and daring and rather lovely, Bev ... so honoured to be part of this special group of girls ... life is, indeed, better with friends, especially friends like these! Have to say your colouring is brilliant ... the movement you created in the clothes is fantastic ... we're sure striding out to party! Your pastel mane-d and tail-d unicorn is just perfect leaping over that delicious rainbow ... oh, and there are confetti dots (which are just as wonderful as polka dots!) ... what a magical delight!

    You know me and cooking ... the easier the better, though I do do it! We don't do take out or convenience (rural France!), have our main meal at lunch time, our lighter meal in the evening ... and I've even been known to bake (or no-bake) on occasion (in between the lime mortar, stone dust and sawdust that is! Great big hugs, my friend ... and bisous ... miss you heaps! Anita :)

  13. Hi, Bev! Gotta say that your friends card brought a huge smile to my face... and I think I'd be doing a whole lot of smiling hanging out with those friends. LOL Thanks so much for playing along with us at Words 2 Craft By. :)

  14. Fun cards! So bright and happy! Glad you shared one at Fusion!

  15. Hi Bev : ) Life truly is better with friends!! I am new to Copic coloring and and very impressed with your coloring for this card!! Your unicorn card is also super cute!! I know of several little girls that would do a dance for a card like this!!

    My husband and I love to develop recipes together in the kitchen. The only bad thing about it is that now we like our recipes more than most restaurants we go to so we end up preferring to stay home! LOL While my hubby is my best partner in the the developing process... he's not so good at the clean up! but that is the only down side and really no biggie. So we are a dinner every night sort of family! Fun question.

    BIG (((Hugs)))

  16. I always cooked too, from scratch and not from a box. I don't cook as much now, but will cook for Bret and myself. He likes a lot of take out or if I'm not feeling well will get take out. But...he also loves when I cook too, as long as it is something he likes. lol I always loved and still love baking. Don't do that as much either because a) I don't want to eat it and b) Bret really isn't much of a sweet eater, although he loves his crumb cake and pumpkin pie. Oh and butter roll out cookies. lol Eating out can get old! I could tell you like to cook and bake as some of your meals sound really good. I'm just an old fashion farmer's wife cook, nothing fancy but still good. So would have loved to been around your table Bev! Now onto your cards, life certainly is better with friends and I really don't know what I would have done these past three years without friends! So I'm loving this card, it is so fun and colored so well! Looks like me and my teacher friends when we go out, only there are more of us but sometimes not. Your unicorn card is a delight too! Love that saying and love all the bright and of course happy colors. Hugs, Brenda

  17. Well, first of all, your AI ladies are a hoot! Always so delightful, just like I imagine you and your friends. AND, that's the CUTEST unicorn card and stamps I've ever seen. First time I've been inspired to want a unicorn set. LOVE it! Now, about the cooking... All my whole adult life I've cooked every dinner, except for when my husband cooked. Of course, we do the usual dinner out occasionally and sometimes we might have soup & grilled cheese if it's been a busy day, late dinner, etc. Worked full time till retirement, still cooked. Love to try new recipes because I love to eat yummy food. Always sent my son to school with a hot breakfast in his tummy. Got him off to school and myself to work. Now we're retired and still cooking. Just can't beat a home cooked meal. I don't bake as much because it's too easy to gain weight now, boo hoo. Your dinner sounds delicious!

  18. I am SO not a cook nor a baker. (I can use premade chunks of cookie dough and fail!) However - reading the labels of convenience food forces me into cooking because I can control the added stuff. I have quite a collection of recipes with just a few ingredients that can be thrown in an oven, the cast iron skillet or the Instant Pot. And luckily I have a husband and a son who actually do love to cook so we share the duties.

    I can see why you love the AI stamp - that's how I picture your group!! And that unicorn is the sweetest - totally perfect for the sentiment!


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