
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

This Will Always Remind Me of My Sister

I love this Avery Elle Set. It will always, always remind me of my sister. When we were little, Sue got this adorable, little trinket box with a red, almost mushroom shaped lid. It had a door, and a couple of Hummel-like figures in the front. Oh how I coveted that box! Now, I was the kind of child that all parents dream of NEVER having, and it was in my nature to sometimes break or wreck things that I wanted but couldn't have. Not with this trinket box. I knew it was special, and I knew that I needed to treat it with respect, though with a three-year-old's mind, I didn't realize why I didn't break it. That sweet little box resides now with Sue's granddaughter. But I have this adorable AE set, which will always remind me of Sue, and I can play with it at will!

The card I made using this set is for my granddaughter's birthday. She. Turns. Ten. What the heck??!! How in the world did that happen???!! She's amazing!

What a cutie pie! And sassy (in a good way) just like her grandma, lol!!

This card will play at:

And here's (after a long wait) my card:

As mentioned, all the stamps are from the AE Windmill set, except for the sun, which a Your Next Stamp stamp. I used a blue panel, and cut some grass with an MFT die. I stamped, colored with Copics, and die cut the other elements (except the sun which I stamped on a yellow scrap). The panel is popped up to allow for the brad which will turn the sails. And yes, they do turn! Since I've monopolized your time enough, I will stop here. And thank you all so much for the kind wishes about dad. His appointment was rescheduled, so no traveling for me, and dad is doing well. As always...


  1. I was reading in such suspense to see if you broke it or not! Whew, I can relax now! What a cutie pie is right! I bet your granddaughter will we twirling those windmill blades around for a long while. Such a darling little scene, Bev, and I'm glad it brings back good memories for you.

  2. Oh, you had me hanging on baited breath to see if you broke it or not!!! Phew! I love stories like that, and how wonderful that it has made it through generations at this point. Sweet!

    How fun that this stamp set makes you happy to play! Your card is fabulous, I am certain your grandaughter (who is as precious as can be in that photo) will adore it! Double fast time flies. Enjoy!

  3. Oh, what a sweet story, I'm sure you weren't as naughty as you thought you were (wink)! Sweet card too Bev!

  4. Super cute card!! Love it!
    Glad to hear you didn't break the box! ;)

  5. Such a sweet story...your card is adorable. I have that Avery Elle set and it is just waiting for me to ink it up. Thanks for the fantastic inspiration!

  6. Memories of childhood with siblings are so precious! Loved to hear yours and the card is fabulous.

  7. what a wonderful Sister you were! And how lovely this box is now with her granddaughter-I loved reading this.
    This scene is adorable, wonderful colouring and lots of dimension. How much fun will be had spinning the long will they last!
    Thanks for making me smile and for joining Ink

  8. I was really hoping that you didn't break the special little box and its contents that your sister got Bev! How cool that you realized that this box was special and you didn't do anything to it. Love that now it is with your sister's granddaughter! How sweet and special for sure. YOUR granddaughter is just adorable and looks like she is a delight! Love the card you have made for her and love that this stamp set takes you back in time to that little box and it's contents. Glad you didn't have to travel and glad your dad is doing well!!! Big hugs, Brenda

  9. You may have been known as a little 'imp'? but what parent doesn't enjoy the antics?
    Bev, this is such an adorable card, and homage to your sister, and that sweet grand... LOve that your windmill is functional!!

  10. I too was a person who did the same...many scoldings and punishments...I am the eldest of 7 so, many ice breaking moments for the rest of the brood! Then, I grew up learning to cherish, above all, ALL my precious to me! Thank you for your story...I too would not have broke my sister's treasure!
    Thank you for sharing your card...

  11. See, you could be a good little girl at times, Bevie! That was a loving story and it's clear that you love your beautiful granddaughter just as much as you do Sue! She does have your gorgeous smile and schparkly eyes! And she will always treasure this darling windmill birthday card!! Hugs, Darnell xxoo

  12. This looks so sweet and cute and your granddaughter will surely love it! I love how you added the sun from a different stamp set, great idea. All the colors look wonderful and I love the fact that this is an interactive card! Thanks for joining us at Inkspirational!

  13. What a sweet card for your adorable granddaughter! Also enjoyed the story, thanks for sharing!

  14. Adorable card Bev. It's cool that this stamp set brings back wonderful memories of your childhood. No wonder you had to get it. And your grandaugher will love the card and hear all about the special trinket box too. xx

  15. Off to Holland we will go. Holland, Michigan that is. This reminds me of the annual tulip festival, Bev. That windmill is so cute and being functional makes is special. As special as that lovely granddaughter.

  16. Wonderful card Bev! The scene you've created is so cute! Your granddaughter will love this.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    Mandy xx

  17. What a lovely post, Bev ... and just the sweetest twirling card for a beautiful granddaughter ... she sounds as though she might just take after grandma ... gorgeous, sassy and with a certain twinkle! Big hugs, Anita :)

  18. I'm back, Bev, to thank you for sharing your wonderful windmill card with us at Addicted to Stamps and More.

  19. Wow do you have a sister, Patti?? I have a sister, Sue and Bev : ) funny huh?

    Loving your adorable card and that 10 year old of yours is just huggable!!


  20. Fun memories for you! And so sweet for the birthday girl!


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