
Saturday, July 8, 2017

The Desire to Play

When life is trying, I get this overwhelming desire to play in my craft room. Does anyone else out there feel the same way? Now, that doesn't mean I drop everything, or disregard my duties to come in here, it just means that card designs start flying around in the old brain, and that as soon as I can, I make a mad dash for the card stock and stamps. There's a sense of calm and a sense of accomplishment in the creative process that pulls the stress right out of me. Even if I don't finish a project, just playing in my stash feels nice. I'm guessing that most of you can relate to this.

For a good part of this week, I've been 'stealing' a couple of hours in the mornings crafting or commenting or emailing instead of doing those quiet household tasks that I should be doing before DH wakes up. The same thing happened this morning, imagine that!!! I've made a little card that will play along with the CAS(E) This Sketch Challenge, as well as CAS on Friday.

For your blog

Here's what I made:

I think that this flower bunch from Studio Calico is one of my most favorite flowery stamps ever. The sentiment, and the little butterfly (it's really some extra flower petals) come from the same set. Colored with Copics, and the die is an MFT rectangle. A little anal to make, but still fairly easy. Thanks Hannelie for the challenge to think out of the box (or in this case, 'rectangle')!! Have a great weekend and...


  1. Love your card and good on you for taking timeout from the household chores to craft...........way to go I think :)

  2. What a clever and beautiful design Bev, I'm glad you found the time to create this one and inspire me!

  3. Love your card Bev was thinking along the same lines such a sweet design. The flower you have used is so soft and pretty.
    I hear you when you talk about the place to go to get away from it all sometimes. My room is where I go when I need down time from worrying about mum and dad and Elysha, family, its a wonderful place whether its a few minutes or a few hours. Its mine, its me and what I create makes me feel a release, a forgetfulness for a time, we all need time to recharge. Enjoy it.

  4. Oh, this is beautiful, Bev! I love your wonderful take on the sketch!
    You are not alone... I feel the same way about stamping. I can be stressed (or just away from my craft table for too long) and when I sit down there, I just feel peace and joy at the fact that I can make a card/be crafty. It's really a wonderful thing!

  5. Pretty summer flower stamp Bev! Your design is so pretty and I love all the layered panels! Good for you taking a bit of crafty time in the early hours of the morning! I tend to think I'll just get a few things done and then craft, next thing I know it is dinner time!

  6. This has to be one of my favorite cards of yours, Bev. While I don't have the stress you have, I totally relate. I can lose track of time while I'm coloring some stamped images until someone wants to know what's for supper. ;)

  7. Very lovely card, Bev! The butterfly (creative!) is a nice addition to the card.
    And I can totally relate to your story about the desire to play! Hideko

  8. Oh I so relate to how you feel. Crafting can take just about all the stress away. There is simply nothing better! And wow! Can we talk about your card...holy gorgeousness. It is so delicate and beautiful!!

  9. That's one of my fave little stamps, too, and I think it was genius to use the petals to make a butterfly off to the side! I think it's wonderful that you have the kind of brain/talent that sparks and fires beautifully during those times when you are stressed and bezausted! You rock!! Hugs, Darnell

  10. Sending big hugs your way, my friend. Such a pretty card, too! :)

  11. One of my favourites too, Bev ... this was one of the most 'stamped and taken away' images at the Lake House I think! Your sweet dimensional card is just lovely ... was wondering about the butterfly ... then I read on and found it was extra petals ... you clever, creative soul, it looks perfect! Good to hear you're de-stressing with crafting (much better than housework!) ... it does transport one doesn't it! Sending big hugs and bisous your way, mon amie, Anita :)

  12. Bev ... love this card ... the stamp, colors, background pieces. Fantastic. Hugs, Marilyn

  13. Love the beautiful card you created with my sketch inspiration Bev ! And yes... crafting is the best medicine for tying times. I can't wait to get going again. Hugs to you x

  14. Love the beautiful card you created with my sketch inspiration Bev ! And yes... crafting is the best medicine for tying times. I can't wait to get going again. Hugs to you x

  15. Popping back to congratulate you on the HM at CTS! So tickled for you, Bevie!! Hugs, Darnell

  16. I so wanted to join this challenge but alas, never go around to it. LOVE your fun panel. The stamping is fantastic and I like how your rectangles are aligned!!


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