
Sunday, May 21, 2017

Two Birthday Cards

Good Sunday Afternoon to you all. I should be heading off to a Confirmation party right about now, but here I am at home keeping a close eye on DH. He had a little boo-boo last night at bedtime, and I don't feel I should leave him. Poor baby is alright, but this is where I need to be today. Our sweet Anna understands about her Papa, so at least there's no guilt involved in not being there. Since my craft room is adjacent to the family room and since that's where he is right now, I can spend some time in here with one ear cocked toward him.

I have two birthday cards for today. One is a pretty Pink card, and the other is, well, different. Here's where I'm playing:


My card for ATCAS looks like this:

To keep it a bit more 'simple,' I inlaid the smaller wonky panel within the larger one. Those are MFT dies. The blooms and stems are from Altenew, and the leaves are from an MFT set. The sentiment is from SSS. The Lemonade and the Succulent inks are from Fresh Ink. I've fallen madly in love with these inks. Truly.

I made the second card last week for THD.  My inspiration comes from the top right-hand quarter of the mood board. There are little vases on that table between the yellow and aqua glasses. They have pink flowers in them, though I left them off my card. It looks like this:

I used all scraps for this card, and the circles dies from MFT. The sentiment is PTI. Really easy. Not quite sure if I'm crazy about this, but decided to post it anyway. Let me know what you think...feel free to use words/phrases like, "ugh," "ick," "what were you thinking???"

And that's all for now. I want to play with some new PPP stamps that somehow arrived at my house even after I decided I was holding off for the rest of the month. Huh...wonder how that happened?!! 

As always...


  1. Hope you hubby is okay? He's so lucky to have you nearby and we are so lucky that you had a little extra opportunity to create! Love those beautiful flowers and the inlaid panels were the perfect choice and i'm not going to say 'ick' about the second card, it has a great graphic appeal with awesome colour balance! Isn't it funny how we critique our own cards so hard sometimes, I know that it's often the ones that i am not real keen on that get the most positive comments... I stopped trying to figure it out years ago now, but it's still very intereesting. Hugs x

  2. What pretty cards!! I LOVE the top card!! The second card is fabulous using the scraps!! Amazing!!

  3. Well I don't know how that happens...just like the several bags that landed in my hands when my mom and I went shopping today :) Do hope that John is back to being better quickly for you though Bev.

    Love your beautiful CAS creations!

  4. LOVE both cards Bev! Hugs to you, and hoping your DH is okay!
    He's so lucky to have a wonderful wife like you

  5. Love your soft pink pretty! The second card is great as that modern look. Hope your husband is okay! Thanks for sharing at ATCAS!

  6. Sorry you had to miss the conformation party but as you said you were right where you needed to be! Beautiful soft pink blooms and card! What a fun circle card,Bev! Hope DH is on the mend!

  7. This is really cool. Thank you for joining us at The Heart Desires Challenge

  8. OH NO! Hope John is on the mend and so sorry to hear you missed the confirmation gathering. Still, you are precisely where you need to be; he's so blessed to have you keeping an eye - and ear - on him! Your duo of cards makes me smile, my friend! The pink Altenew blooms are darling; love their whimsy, which is accentuated by the wonky stitched panels pairing. You're sparked inspiration for a DT card that I've been struggling with, so extra thank you for the 'ping'! Your circles are charming and my eyes have been tricked into seeing smiley faces on them! Not sure how/why but that's what happened. Net result: mega watt smile all over my face! Off to create my DT card before the idea whooshes away....
    Hugs, love and misses~c

  9. Yep...we're talking WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER on these two beauties!!!

    The tulips work so well with the wonky stitched frames - like they were made for each other. Love where you placed the sentiment too. And, you know that the second card would send me over the edge with the clean, simple and yummingly graphic design!!! These colors rock!

  10. Ooops...hit the send button too quick before adding that I hope John is feeling better.

  11. Hope John is doing OK, Bev.

    Love your two birthday cards. The first pink one is so sweet. Love the soft colours. Your second card is so creative and fun. Love the graphic look ... totally AWESOME, my friend. xx

  12. Gorgeous fresh blooms on your first card, Bev, they're lovely ... and such a cool, crisp, graphic design on the second, it's fantastic, I love it! Oh, and I love your take on Therese's owls (I gazed at that one too) in your last post. Catching up ... enjoying ... and finally commenting!! Thinking of you and keeping you both close in prayer ... hope John is doing much better, my sweet friend! Big hugs & bisous, Anita :)

  13. Hi Bev,
    I do hope your hubby is feeling better by are so sweet to stay home and keep a watch over him, too!
    Your pink blooms are so pretty and I love how you created the double border with the wonky stitched dies! LOVE your 2nd card, creative and fun and such a great way to use your scraps! So glad you played along with us this week at Addicted to CAS!

  14. Both of these are great! Love the pink flowers! Thanks for joining us at THD!

  15. Your pink flowers are pretty especially with the wonky frames but I am totally in love with the graphic look of your second card! Brilliant, brilliant idea and execution!
    Hope your DH recovers quickly!

  16. I love those artsy pink flowers, Bev. As for the other card? It great! I love the simplicity and the color combination. It a perfect masculine birthday card and we all know hard difficult those are to make.

  17. Pretty cards, Bev! Loving the inlaid die look. Hope DH is better xx

  18. Your floral card is beautiful. I keep thinking I need those wonky stitched frames....
    Your 2nd card, I LOVE it. I'm a sucker for colors and graphic designs so this is right up my alley.
    Thanks for joining us at The Heart Desires!
    Thinking of you Bev! Hope things are well.


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