
Saturday, April 1, 2017

I'm Pregnant

April Fool's!!! When my kids were little, I used to pull that "joke" every year. And every year they fell for it. Once they got a little older, one of the boys said to me, "mom, can't you come up with anything even slightly believable??" Smarty pants kids! Wonder if I should text them today with that same old, tired AF joke.... I can just hear the snorts now.... Well, I am in the mood for a little tomfoolery today. And thanks to the effervescent, ever-funny, ever sweet Darnell, I can call tom, and we can gather our foolery and boo-boo cards, and laugh and laugh and laugh. Her super fun/funny hop starts today, and I most definitely wanted to play along! So should you! You know you've got that card (or two, or several) that you've been planning on taking apart to remake in your stash...why not share it, and we'll all feel a little better knowing that we all make some boo-boo cards. I'm just pulling my most recent boo-boo, which I didn't even finish. It's, well, UGH. As in UGH-ly. Butt ugly. But it made me laugh because it's so bad. Wait till you see...

Coming April 1-11, 2017

Now. Miss Darling Darnell is up as GD over at Tag You're It. And I soooo badly wanted to play. And my goofy brain said, "yeah!!, let's use our NBUS stars stamp!!" Brain held me hostage, and at gunpoint, (I swear it was a pink glock 9mil) brain forced me to make this...

Woof. Retch. Blech. Smeared stars. Horribly bad uneven blending. And my red turned into hotish pink. And then there were my choices of critter... Brain refused to entertain any other kind of critter. It was bunny or death. Sorry brain. I choose death (or pregnancy, whichever comes first...) Are you gagging yet? Ewwwwwwww!!!!! I kept the critters; it's not their fault, after all. But skanky tag made it only as far as the recycle bin. Shiver! Brain is pouting, but I think I can bribe it with a little more coffee and get it making something else. 

I've got one more card, and while there are no boo-boos in it, (except in the photography) it does contain an NBUS stamp. I will pop this into the Ellen Hutson March Pin-Sights Challenge, as well. It's green.


I chose my greens based on that parasol, as well as the color of the trees in the background. It's for a confirmation.

I did try to correct the really IS green, not yellowish. I did some light blending with GREEN ink on my card base, and then added the NBUS C9 Stamp. The cross has a goldish cast, but retains a light brown color too. Looks better irl. I wanted the message of 'faith' to be the focal point, so kept it very CAS. And that's all for today. As always...


  1. Oh I have those days too where I have a hard time creating stuff. I try and try and no matter what I do, it comes out wonky!! I like the colors on the tag. Maybe spritz with water and let it run to see what happens? Or put a paint brush through it? The stars are pretty and you don't want to waste it. I like the card you created for the bottom. That large "faith" sentiment is fantastic!!

  2. So fun to see the ughs! It's refreshing to be in the trenches of the craft room with real people!! Your confirmation card is clean and beautiful, and I'm sure it's a lovely shade of green :)

  3. If you're pregnant, then I'm a rock star, lol! You are a hoot and then you're a hoot again, Bevie! What a fun post! Thank you for sharing your tag boo-boo! (I do love the bunners, tho!) Let's see, what can we say - how about, "I'm fascinated by your unique blending in those sunrise colors!" See? It's honestly not that bad! And your confirmation card is a thing of simple beauty with the focus pocus right where it should be! It will be treasured! And I treasure you! Thank you so much for being a good sport and playing with me with your boo-boo and your NBUS!! Love ya, Darnell

  4. Somewhere in my boxes of packed stuff is a herd of boo-boos, but I have no clue where I so carefully stored them...then again, a lot of recycling has taken place. Whatever the case, I don't have a boo-boo to showcase (just a matter of minutes, I'm sure...), so I'll delight, vicariously, in what you claim to be one. I'm with Darnell: your colours and stars ARE pretty, and the bunnies are sweet! The little grey one is especially cute! Not as "Woof. Retch. Blech" as you may think (you're too funny!). Your confirmation card: the soft green background, and the whimsical, bold 'Faith'. Definitely a keepsake...
    Hugs, love and misses,

  5. Oh, there are days like that when nothing seems to work. In fact, I am thinking I need a couple days off from doing anything creative. Maybe I can get on track again. But I thought the colors on your tag and the stars were not that bad. And, love all the various bunnies. The card you did make with the cross on it is very lovely too.

  6. I like your tag, and your bunnies are darling, actually. ;) Such a nice Faith card too~ I don't joke about pregnancy anymore because my last pregnancy was preceded by "hey this is such a nice hospital at this new post...I should have a baby just so I can stay there!!". Then my baby girl happened and I'm "complete" as they say. :) I enjoyed reading your post!

  7. You know, I honestly don't find your starry background that bad! Maybe with some vellum... Or at least you could die cut something from it. I'm sure you could recycle it somehow if you really don't want to use it as a tag! Your confirmation tag is very serene and beautiful!

  8. Hahahahahahahahahaha ... that's cause I hadn't heard the 'I'm pregnant' AF line before, Bev ... and because I love and laughed so hard at your description of your sweet boo boo tag (which truly isn't the Woof Retch Blech you described!). Thank you, my sweet and too funny friend ... I'm going to bed with a smile all over my face! Your confirmation card is perfect ... simple clear faith ... couldn't be better! Miss you heaps ... hugs and bisous, Anita :)


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