
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Doubling Down

It's been an "interesting" day. And not happily so. Day four of migraines. Just wanted you to know that in case this post turns out really weird. While I was writing and editing yesterday's post, an idea popped into my brain for a card using the same two challenges; Muse, and the Spring 2017 Coffee Lovers Bloghop. I'd expound more on each of these two wonderful challenges, but my brain isn't functioning as well as it should. Sorry about that. What I can say, is that they're terribly fun! Do consider joining me at both! Once again, it was Jenni's card that really inspired me. Her card makes my heart happy:

I just love Jenni's card!

And my card:

The pink gingham is from my scrap files, as is the black card stock. All stamps are from PTI, as is the cup die, and that's an AE bow. Those cupped flower-shaped pink sequins are from Paper Sweeties, and there are green sequins under the outer two in my feeble attempt to add a teensy bit of another Springtime color, and to give the impression of leaves. It's a good thing that this was not terribly difficult to make, lol! Since I can feel my brain draining onto the floor, I'm heading off now. Hope you're enjoying your weekend, and as always,


  1. Super adorable great take on the inspiration card I love the pink gingham and your 3 cups.
    DL.ART crinkle ribbon

  2. LOVE how you made it a coffee themed card, brilliant and love all of the pink!

  3. What a fabulous and fun take on Jenni's card, all that pink is perfect for a girlfriends design!

  4. Oh, this is so sweet, Bev!
    Ugh. Migraines are the worst! Feel better soon, my friend! Hugs

  5. This is fabulous! What a great card for the Coffee Lovers Spring Blog Hop. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Karen Letchworth

    P.S. For another fun challenge, I welcome you to join us at Word Art Wednesday. Always Anything Goes/Family Friendly, lots of fabulous prizes, and loads of fun. I hope to see you there as well.

  6. I'm sorry about the four days of YKW and hope you get a break tomorrow, Bevie. You always amaze me, being able to even MAKE a card, let alone make one that fits not ONE, but TWO different challenges! I think the melding of the two worked perfectly!! Lots of love and hugs, Darnell

  7. So sorry your on day four of migraines I hope that was it for a while. Ive been pretty good with mine and only had two days in the last fortnight which I am cheering at, so sick of the buggers. Your card covering two challenges that are a mile apart in meaning yet you have done it perfectly. Amazing what a migraine brain can do. Love it, really hooked on the gingham with the coffee cups, perfect. Take care Bev xx Aileen

  8. hope you will feel better soon, Take care Bev!
    Both of your creations are so cute!

  9. Oh, your poor head! I hope you're feeling better very soon, my friend. In Canada we (well, not me) order 'double-double's (double cream, double sugar) in the coffee drive through, so that's immediately what I thought of with this sweet, feminine coffee card. So glad you joined us at Muse again this week!

  10. I think this is so darling. Cute design.

  11. ..and I LOVE this card Bev it is so cute and just popped out at me from the thumbnails!Hope your head is feeling better now and thank you for joining in with us again this week at Muse x

  12. Migraines are the WORST!!! Four days of them? Yuck. That would just put me over the edge!! LOVE your take on these challenges. I like the pink gingham and the hanging coffee cups. Such a cute idea!!

  13. I hate to hear that you are on day 4 of a migraine Bev, I wish they would come up with something that worked better on them for you migraine suffers! I loved that sweet baby card, but I love how it inspired you to make your coffee card!!! It's a sweet as the baby card! Hugs, Brenda

  14. Such a sweet card, and a great end product from that wonderful inspiration! Hope you are feeling better soon!

  15. So sweet and feminine, Bev ... and a fabulous sentiment ... can I just say yes please?!! I'm so sorry you've been suffering so horribly ... hope by now you've kicked the migraine into touch and you're back on top of the world! Sending you gentle hugs and miss you bisous, Anita :)

  16. You are really on a roll, Bev! I love your coffee cups, and that you chose Jenni's design for your cute!

    Your post turned out great, but I'm so sorry to hear that you are suffering so much with Migraines! I sure hope you're feeling better by now!!!

  17. I love your pretty pink cups design.

  18. Oh Bev, I'm so sorry to hear of your bad string of migraines! I'm hoping by now you've kicked it out and are back to creating freely. Big hugs to you! Lovely card with your trio of coffees. So glad you were still able to share it!

  19. So sorry about the migraines. This is such a great spring time coffee design! I also took a peek down and saw the fun bean card for your granddaughter! It sounds like you have a special young lady there!

  20. Super SWEET card! I hope that you are feeling better.

  21. Sweet inspiration for your pink coffee card. And your card is just lovely even if you are not feeling to well. Hop you perk up soon!

  22. new #1 Fav Bev Card. The mix of patterns between the gingham background and the coffee card sleeves looks so cool! Sweet little bow - nice bling!

  23. Im so sorry you are not feeling well I can only imagine what 4 days of that ...bad word ....We won't mention.
    I love this darling pink gingham coffee card what a fun take on the baby card! Just darling!
    Praying you have a pain free weekend, Bev!

  24. Both are so sweet and so pretty! Love them!

  25. Hope by now that your YKWs are over and done with; sending extra hugs and love, just in case. Marveling at your oh-so-clever translation of the baby clothes into coffee for you, one for me and one for sweet Geri! There: let's get that girl talk happening!
    Hugs, love and misses,


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