
Saturday, February 25, 2017

One Plus One

My plans to get some deep house cleaning done today were shot to h-e-double-hockey-sticks at 4:45 this morning. I woke up with a migraine, and in the hopes that I was just dreaming, or should I say having a nightmare, I went back to sleep. Until 5:18. Ugh. Hauled my rather large booty out of bed and grabbed my rescue meds. Between my body fighting to feel better, and the draining effects of the meds, I have practically zero energy. Only enough to craft a bit. It's a good thing that DH has some leftover steak (a rare treat) from supper last night, so I don't even have to try to cook something without burning it, lol. On to the cards...

I have two cards to share today. I hope I had enough focus to make them look decent, but you'll have to tell me if they're alright. My brain is still fuzzy. For this first one, I will be playing along at the City Crafters Blog, as well as Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge. It's "A Few Stitches" at CCB, and "Anything Goes" at SSSWC.

My card:

The stitches came with the Wonky die from MFT. The image is a stencil created with a cut file from Silhouette. Lots and lots of inks. One red scrap adhered to the base. The way the stitches look, they remind me of crepe-paper twisted and hung, don't they? Or is my brain still waaay too fuzzy?!

The next one is your fault. It's a watercolored card. I'll be playing along at Muse, Inkspirational Challenge, and Happy Little Stampers

For this card, I tried my hand at partial die cutting. Probably not the best day to be doing that, but I did. So you can see that my flower is still connected to the watercolored panel. Jenni at Muse has a lovely rose for us to use as our inspiration, but the roses I have are a bit small (must correct that!), so I went with the peony again. And I did use several dies on this, so I guess I'm twisting along with HLS!

Are you ready? Ok.

Another rut for me... the Wonky Stitched die from MFT. Along with their stitched rectangle. The 'birthday' die is one I played surgeon with and cut it apart from the 'happy' and its frame; it's from Impress. The bitty tag is from Studio Calico, and the peony is from Altenew. Watercolored with Zigs. The 'wishes' stamp is from Newton's Nook. I hope I got all the ingredients... My brain isn't getting any less fuzzy as the day goes on. At least it doesn't hurt right now, lol! Probably a good time for me to stop. I'm headed off to comment land, and if you get one that doesn't make sense, just chalk it up to the medication ; )  And as always...


  1. Your watercolouring is so pretty! Love this bright punch of colour! So glad you joined us at Muse this week, Bev!

  2. Two lovely cards! I particularly like your colored flower...very pretty! Your partial die cut looks great and that fun little birthday tag is very clever. Thanks for sharing with us at Inkspirational!
    - Shauna

  3. Oh, no, a migraine, my friend!!!!! ...feel better hugs coming your way, Bev - hope it will be something of the past, very soon!!!!!
    And what sweet cards have you got here, Bev!!!!! Love your birthday cake with all the yummy layers!!!! Wonderful stenciling in all the different colours to create a fun look!!!! Really sweet!!!! And the 2nd card with the peony is so beautiful and a great CASE of the inspiration file!!!! Love the cute little tag and your partial die cutting worked wonderfully!!!!! Such a stunning card!!!

  4. Oh that birthday cake, Bev ... fun, whimsical and so scrumptious ... perfect with the wonky stitched framing! Thank you for another beautiful watercoloured bloom ... clever, stylish cutting and layering ... and such a sweet little gold tied tag! Do hope that migraine's been kicked into touch and that you'll have woken up this morning all bright eyed and bushy tailed! Missing you, my friend ... and sending you gentle, comforting hugs and bisous! Bon dimanche! Anita :)

  5. Lovely card Bev, great take on the challenge, beautifully coloured

  6. These so lovely! Beautifully done! Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB!!

  7. Wow two beautiful cards love them both but that pop of pink is just sooo eyecatching!.. and hope that that pesky migraine has been knocked into submission! Thank you for joining us over at Muse this week x

  8. What a pair of lovely cards, Bev. The cake is super cute and fun and the flower is oh, so lovely. Thanks for playing along at Happy Little Stampers Wc Challenge for February with your pretty pink posey.

  9. So sorry to hear about another migraine but glad that you are feeling better now! I am in awe of you that you can make such beautiful cards while not feeling really well! That birthday cake looks scrumptious enough to eat and your pink peony is so very pretty!

  10. I hope you are feeling better! Your cards look amazing! Love the fresh combo of pink and white in your card for Ink and that peony... It must be one of the most beautiful flowers in stamp land! :) Thanks fo joining us at Ink!

  11. Love that cake stamp, what a neat clever idea with the layers. Then your card with the Altenew flower, how beautiful it is. Stunning.

  12. Sorry to hear that you are suffering from migraine, as a former victim of this terrible malaise you have my heartfelt sympathy. I have to say that it did not deter your creativity as both cards are fabulous.Can I ask did you do the partial cutting of the flower on the Silhouette or is it a die. Both are fabulous and full of colour. Love that wonky die too and works so well. Thanks for playing along with CCCB this and I hope by now you are fully recovered.


  13. It's a shame you can't get Syndol here - have you tried Aleve? MIgrains suc. You got some gorgeous shading on this flower - it really looks 3D! Thank you for joining us at the HLS Watercolor Challenge. Jenny x

  14. Wowzers girlfriend! These are two AMAZING creations....more so cuz you crafted 'em up whilst your head was hurting!

    One word needed for the b-day card....SWEET! No wait, make that 2 words..."Super Sweet". Great colors!

    2nd card.....gasp....totally breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL!! Your flower is absolutely gorgeous! So in love wit te bits of velum too, which works beautifully with the stunning flower! Great idea to use green for the sentiment (instead of a actual leaf).

    Soft. Pretty. Elegant.

    Hope your boo-boo head is feeling better today :)

  15. That birthday cake ooks fab and your cardis spot on our theme! Thanks so much for joining us at CCCB!

  16. Your birthday cake is so charming and your peony is gorgeous, Bev! A really stunning take on Jenni's Muse card!!!

  17. Oh Miss Bev, I hate reading you've had another migraine. I wish they didn't visit you at all! Big hugs to you!
    You're cards, however, are just so dang pretty! I love them. :)

  18. Gorgeous cards
    Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge this week.

    Jo x

  19. Beautiful peony card Bev, hope the migraine has passed now, I know how miserable they can be!

  20. How clever to use all those different stamps to make a cake! And I love every single detail in the second card...right down to the little hanging tag. I don;t get alot of sleep either at the moment, but only because my head is full of card making ideas!! Lol! Hope your head feels better.


Thanks for stopping by Happy Dance. Your comments are always and sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me an email. May you all be blessed with Happy Dances each and every day.